Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey 80 750ML
There's no substitute for discovering this quintessential Irish whiskey for yourself. Perhaps you're enjoying a glass of Tullamore Dew while sitting by an open fire in an Irish pub, sharing the company of old friends. Maybe you're enjoying the lively atmosphere of a modern city bar, or relaxing at home. Wherever you are, settle back and savour a glass or two to discover this Legendary Irish Whiskey with hidden depths. Colour: Medium amber gold. Nose: A mild blend of spicy, lemony and malty notes, with charred wood and vanilla undertones. Body: Light bodied, sweetish spices, buttery and rounded with light citrus fruitiness. Palate: Warming, pleasant maltiness with toasted wood and vanilla hints. Finish: Smooth and gentle, the complex flavours lingering.
UPC: 083664872466