The Botanist Islay Dry Gin 750ML
The Botanist is a gin of layered complexity. A progressive exploration of the botanical heritage of our isle of Islay. Nine classic gin botanicals are augmented by 22 local herbs and flowers, foraged responsibly and by hand from the hills, shores and bogs of this fertile Hebridean island by our own botanical scientists. This fascinating seasonal cocktail is then slow "simmer" distilled in our unique Lomond pot-still. Affectionately known as "Ugly Betty" by our master distiller Jim McEwan, the still prefers to work at low-pressure and won't be rushed. So our precious botanicals are gently coaxed into releasing their complex, signature aromatics. Following a programme of extensive modifications and experimentation Jim says he had to "learn a new dance" with the esoteric Lomond, and none of us knew what to expect from that first, achingly-slow 17 hour distillation. The result is quicksilver: a highly distinctive, complex, floral gin with impeccable provenance; a truly artisanal, hand-crafted labour of love. Distiller's art incarnate, The Botanist is a gin as much for the mind as the palate.