
  • Post Red Muscadine 750ML

    Semi-Sweet, with scents of a warm Southern evening. Light-bodied, but flavorful.

  • Post Strawberry Fields 750ML

    Medium sweet grape wine flavored with real natural strawberry flavoring.

  • Predator Old Vine Zinfandel 750ML

    Deep ruby-cherry color. Some tobacco, spice and oak and vanilla on the nose. Black cherry, slightly jammy on the palate with hints of spicy notes. A drinkable, everyday glass of Zin.

  • Presidente Brandy 750ML

    Clear amber colour and delicate fruity character; charismatic; to be consumed as a long drink with cola or soda. Presidente's new image focuses on the traditional solera process and 100% grape content to demonstrate its high quality.

  • Pride Mountain Merlot 750ML

    Pride Mountain the Merlot from was packed with such expressive varietal character that little blending was required. The final blend is composed of our 12 Merlot blocks polished with 7% Cabernet Sauvignon from our Rock Arch and Rim Rock blocks. Blue-black color tinged with garnet is the first indication that the 2008 vintage is something special. Black and red cherries, plum preserves and currant mingle with spice notes including sweet anise. The texture on the palate is supple and viscous, with elegant tannins that are not overbearing.

  • Primal Roots Red Blend 750ML

    The color is seriously purple with a clear halo. The nose is black cherry, toasty vanilla and Spice Drops candy. Medium bodied and silky smooth, it tastes of raspberry, tea, Snickers bar chocolate and a touch of orange zest. The mid palate is blueberry and vanilla with a little spiced cider. The tannins are soft and smooth and acidity is not an issue. The finish is weak compared to the main body of the wine.

  • Primal Roots White Blend 750ML

    The Primal Roots White Blend is a fusion of four varietals - Viognier, French Colombard, Riesling, and Gewurztraminer. The Viognier makes up 50% of the blend and provides honeysuckle, peach, and apricot as well as a creamy texture. The French Colombard adds the bright and crisp acidity. It also contributes a hint of spice to the blend. Riesling lends a very floral orange blossom note, which balances well with the fruit. Gewurztraminer is known for its lychee and spicy characters. This variety adds complexity to the final blend, making it a truly sensual and captivating wine.

  • PrimaTerra Pinot Grigio 750ML

    PrimaTerra a crisp and lively wine full of fruit with hints of apples and fresh flowers and a very refreshing finish.

  • pro.mis.Q.ous California Red Wine 750ML

    Flavors of ripe red and dark berry fruit, slight black pepper/white pepper, creme de cassis. Yummy with meat -- grilled, roasted and pan seared or pizza. Any time you want a read that's not ridiculously serious, this is a good choice.

  • pro.mis.Q.ous California White Blend 750ML

    Are you ready to mingle? A happy threesome (or more the merrier) of the most seductive and mouthwatering white varietals This is why we are so darned attractive—Long. Slow. Cool. Fermented in stainless steel tanks (to preserve our nubile bright expressive varietal aromatics). No barrel aging in this vintage – to safeguard our purity. (Note: Aging is for old folks.) Melon, pear, tangerine, rose petal, lychee, lemon rind, yummy. You smell good. Can I get your iPhone number? Food Pairing, Suggestions, No oak on this wine makes a fresh and crisp pairing with lighter foods such as seafood, salad, appetizers, vegetarian fare…or just on its own as an aperitif by the pool or before dinner.

  • Protocolo Red 750ML

    Bright ruby. Dried cherry, licorice and pungent herbs on the nose. Firm and precise on the palate, with juicy acidity giving lift to the flavors of bitter cherry, licorice and black pepper. Finishes spicy and tight, with a subtle herbal note, dusty tannins and a touch of redcurrant. Shows none of the jamminess that one finds in most wines at this price point: it's pretty tough to beat this one in the bang-for-the-buck sweepstakes

  • Provenance Carneros Merlot 750ML

    Although its tense young aromas imply good concentration and depth, they are far less open and forthcoming than this supple and well-balanced wine turns out to be in the mouth. It is nicely sweetened with oak and tastes of red cherries, and it makes a fair stab at richness before turning to firmness and being closed out by more than a little astringency. Its tannic constraints will loosen with time, and we urge that it be set aside for three or four more years of age.

  • Provenance Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The wine’s richly textured, opulent dark berry flavors open with chocolate, espresso and spicy black pepper accents, black tea and green olive on the mid-palate. Overall, the sensation is of impeccable balance. The wine has plush tannins and long, graceful finish.

  • Purple Cowboy Night Rider Merlot 750ML

    Purple Cowboy teeth-staining dark red with hints of purple. Dazzling aromas of crushed black cherries and plums with rose petal, cola and a hint of smoked caramel. Mouth-filling flavors of cherry pie and cassis with silky, cocoa powder tannins on the long finish. Smooth and full-bodied. Try with slow-cooked, smoky barbeque, chili, chicken-fried steak, long-simmered pinto beans, Texas-style Coq au Vin and all your other favorite foods at home on the range.

  • Purple Cowboy Tenacious Red 750ML

    A rich, full-bodied wine with aromas of crushed red berries and cherries, notes of cola and cinnamon, and a hint of earthiness. Berry flavors explode in the mouth with cinnamon and cassis in the mid-palate leading to slight cocoa powder tannins on the finish.

  • Purple Hands Stoller Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Purple Hands Tasting Notes: Carmel, black cherry, chocolate, red earth, boysenberry, blackberry, cinnamon, sage, wet earth salt, strawberry, thyme, rose.

  • Pyrat XO Reserve 750ML

    Pyrat XO Reserve is a select blend of fine Caribbean rums. It's smooth taste and delicious flavor is complimented by it's rich amber color. Pyrat XO Reserve is excellent over ice with a twist of lemon or as an ingredient in a premium rum drink.

  • Quady Electra White Muscato 750ML

    With the first sip you feel the wine- light as springtime, delicately sweet, refreshingly crisp, a bouquet of flowers with the taste of peach and melon. Electra is electricity for the mouth! "In 1990, we decided to produce a new type of dessert wine, light, delicate, easy to drink, and very refreshing. We tasted Orange Muscat grape juice as it was turning into wine. When the juice was just on the verge — halfway between wine and grape juice, a small test batch was bottled. The wine tasted wonderful, but the alcohol was only 4% (most wines are at least 12%). The wine was bottled using sterile filtration to prevent re-fermentation and the new creation named Electra after the electric like texture one notices on the tip of the tongue. "Electra goes with summer fruits (strawberries, nectarines, peaches, melons), salads, spicy Asian and Indian foods, light desserts, blue skies and fresh air. And with only 4% alcohol, you can still play volleyball after the picnic."- Quady Winery

  • Quady Red Electra Muscato 750ML

    Quady Red Electra is a yummy wine with only 5% alcohol, a pretty red color, a grapy sweet taste, and a tangy, spritzy mouth feel. It's a good wine for angels to drink when they party. We don't advise drinking Red Electra before noon. Red Electra has attitude. Red Electra will change your attitude. If you take Red Electra to a party, it will change everybody's attitude.

  • Quality House London Dry Gin

    Quality House Gin

  • Quality House Vodka

    Quality House Vodka is charcoal filtered 70 proof.

  • Queens Peak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Queens Peak Cabernet Sauvignon showcases an enticing dark crimson hue with an appealing aroma bouquet of blackberry cobbler, mission fig, sorghum molasses and bold notes of cigar box. Initial rich flavors of blackberry, boysenberry and black cherry are followed by cocoa on the mid-palate. Full-bodied and well-balanced, dusty cedar notes frame the rich, dark fruit character. Ripe, velvety tannins show through on the finish with a delicate hint of vanilla and cardamom from 12 months of American and French oak aging.

  • Quinta do Crasto Douro Tinto 750ML

    Quinta do Crasto deep ruby in colour with very ripe red fruit aromas. Very fruity on the palate, with good structure and light tannins which make it a very pleasant wine. This wine is made from traditional Douro red grape varieties: Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca and Touriga Franca. Unoaked, it is produced to be a fresh, fruity, easy-to-drink wine.

  • Quinta do Noval Black 750ML

    Quinta do Noval Black is a revolutionary new style of port. The bright aromatics, incredible freshness and perfect balance bring it outside the stodgy "vintage-character" category. Enjoy it any time: Chilled. Before dinner. After. For a seductive edge to cocktails. As an indulgence with chocolate. The custom-designed bottle is distinctive, modern yet timeless, reflecting the uniqueness of Noval Black. It is simply the most beautiful port bottle we've seen.