
  • Cultivate The Feast 750ML

    Cultivate in the glass The Feast possesses high-toned and briary aromas of raspberry, black currant, and crushed violets. These notes are underpinned by savory tones of sandalwood, incense, and Asian spice. On the palate, The Feast is brawny and chewy, with a focused mid-palate and lengthy finish. The Feast is built around finished Merlot from the warm Alexander Valley in Sonoma. The wine is then fleshed out with Malbec from the Santa Lucia Highlands and textured with Cabernet from Napa Valley. Finally the addition of Syrah serves to focus and deepen the wine. This Right Bank-inspired blend was lightly fined and filtered, and bottled without additions or adjustments.

  • Cupcake Angel Food White 750ML

    Cupcake our proprietary Angel Food wine is a delicate blend of white grapes where each variety shows structure, aroma and depth of flavor with a long creamy finish. The grapes are harvested from vineyards in some of California's finest viticultural areas, each picked for their ability to engender these grapes with distinct characteristics. Each varietal is fermented separately, blended and then put through a unique oak regime that imparts a certain creaminess. A heavenly pair with white cheddar fondue, pancetta wrapped figs or simply as an aperitif.

  • Cupcake Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Cupcake Vineyards works hard to bring you the richest, smoothest Cabernet from California's desirable Central Coast, where the sun drenched grapes create full and elegantly-textured wines. Scrumptious flavors of decadent dark fruits, molten mocha and toasty oak melt into a long silky finish. In other words: Sinful. Try with warm baked brie drizzled with honey or petite filet mignon with a cabernet reduction.

  • Cupcake Chardonnay 750ML

    Cupcake we work hard to bring you the biggest, richest Chardonnay from California's desirable Central Coast, where the sundrenched grapes create full and elegantly-textured wines. Decadent levels of butter, cream, bright citrus and vanilla melt into a balance of oak and subtle spice. In other words: Delicious. Serve chilled with crab cakes, seared Ahi tuna on waffle crackers or fresh-baked French bread and cheese.

  • Cupcake Merlot 750ML

    Cupcake Vineyards work hard to craft the richest, smoothest and elegantly-textured wines. This full-bodied yet smooth Merlot displays supple tannins with flavors of red cherries that evolve into decadent levels of cocoa and espresso and a smooth finish. This wine is reminiscent of that chocolate cherry cupcake.

  • Cupcake Moscato d'Asti DOCG 750ML

    Cupcake our Moscato is vibrant and expressive with floral notes that dominate with hints of peach and flavors of tropical fruits and lychee. It is a soft and luscious wine with just a hint of effervescence to tickle the palate and balance the sweetness. With bright fruit flavors and finesse, it's reminiscent of a pineapple right-side up cupcake. Food Pairing Recommendations: Enjoy with mascarpone cheese or with any dessert such as fresh berries and cream or vanilla bean poached pears.

  • Cupcake Mosel Valley Riesling 750ML

    Cupcake this Riesling starts with a nose that shows hints of lemon chiffon and ripe honeydew. The wine fills the palate with flavors of bright citrus, lemons and just a hint of sweetness. Creamy and full bodied, it finishes with a zesty thirst quaffing zing that leaves the imbiber wanting another glass. It is reminiscent of a lemon cream cupcake. Enjoy with grilled halibut, Indian butter chicken, or simply as an aperitif.

  • Cupcake Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Cupcake escape to Italy with our Pinot Grigio sourced from Trentino. Full and complex, this wine has a nose that hints of pineapple, pears and sweet lemons. Tropical fruits are integrated with the zest of citrus fruits and give way to a creamy mid-palate.

  • Cupcake Pinot Noir 750ML

    The moderate growing climate of California’s Central Coast provides optimal growing conditions to produce complex, elegantly structured Pinot Noir. This wine has a lovely garnet hue and heady aromas of black cherries and ripe strawberries. The wine opens up to a flavor of red raspberry and a hint of spice with a creamy finish. We harvest our Pinot Noir grapes at their peak and cold soak them for a couple of days. The juice undergoes a cool fermentation to preserve the bright cherry fruit. American and French oak barrels are used to age the wine for about nine months.

  • Cupcake Prosecco 750ML

    Cupcake Prosecco is light and refreshing with a nose that shows hints of white peach, grapefruit and honey-dew melon. The fine effervescence gives way to creamy flavors of ripe lemons and refined citrus notes with a toasted brioche finish. Medium froth, our Prosecco is reminiscent of lemon meringue pie. Pairs well with gorgonzola crostini. and melon wrapped in prosciutto.

  • Cupcake Red Velvet 750ML

    Cupcake our first blended red wine for Cupcake Vineyards has over the top aromas of chocolate, deep rich blackberries, red fruits that follow through the palate to a creamy mocha finish that is unmistakable in its intensity and length, with a hint of coconut. It's reminiscent of a blackberry chocolate cupcake with a mocha coulis.

  • Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cupcake it's the long cool seasons in the South Island that allows our sauvignon blanc grapes to mature slowly, giving the wine levels of complexity and a vibrant zing. This Sauvignon Blanc is reminiscent of a lemon chiffon cupcake. It's made up of integrated flavors of Meyer lemons, Key limes and a finish that awakens the appetite There are hints of grapefruit, gooseberry and citrus, and comes together with a long, creamy finish. Serve chilled with oysters on a half shell or with a rich and succulent lobster risotto.

  • Cuvaison Chardonnay 750ML

    Cuvaison Chardonnay explores the mineral driven side of Chardonnay with taut green apple, white peach , lime zest and kiwi fruit. Hints of ginger and vanilla back the bright jasmine and orange blossom notes. What really drives the wine is the vibrant structure and terrific finish that carry flavors for a long, satisfying ride.

  • Cycles Gladiator Boneshaker Zinfandel 750ML

    Cycles Gladiator so what is this new bottle branded Boneshaker, With a ghoulish label from bold Gladiator Wines? The fruits of the labor of our restless winemaker Is this muscular Lodi Zin from century old vines. Fragrance and aromas of black cherry and leather arise Not heady but subtle, yet affording surprise At its balance of fruit and oak upon first taste With a finish structured and absent of haste. From the first cork pulled and first sip taken, Leaves vinous thirst slaked and bones thoroughly - SHAKEN

  • Cycles Gladiator Merlot 750ML

    Cycles Gladiator dark burgundy red in color, the Cycles Gladiator Merlot is classic and approachable with gorgeous fruit and rich aromas of dark plum, toasty oak and caramel. The flavors are layered and beautifully structured, with cassis, dark chocolate, plum and black cherry, which unfold in the mid-palate, fanning out to solid yet well-integrated tannins that allow the wine a lingering, silky finish. This wine shines with an array of foods. Try it with rich duck confit, braised chicken with honey and five-spice, spicy lamb kabobs or your favorite burger!

  • D.R. Stephens D.R. II Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    D.R. Stephens this Cabernet Sauvignon shows deep, expressive aromas of raspberry, mocha, cinnamon and hot stones. The wine hits the palate with a blast of rich fruit and well-integrated tannin, yet remains elegant and flavorful through the long, blossoming finish, ending with a splash of chocolate and black cherry.

  • d'Arenberg The Stump Jump Shiraz 750ML

    d'Arenberg the nose is chock-full of fresh blackberries, cherries and dark chocolate sprinkled with spices. The palate is fresh and juicy, ripe red fruits mix with plums, blackcurrant, flowers and a twist of black pepper. The tannins are fine with d'Arenberg's trademark earthiness helping keep this easy going wine in check.

  • Da Vinci Chianti DOCG 750ML

    Aromas of ripe plums, cherries and fresh red fruit accented by peppery notes. Well-balanced and medium-weight wine. An enjoyable wine to pair with pastas and lighter red meat dishes.

  • Da Vinci Pinot Grigio Delle Veneze 750ML

    Da Vinci Pinot Grigio is crafted from grapes grown in the Delle Venezie region's finest vineyards. This crisp Pinot Grigio is exceptionally well balanced with floral aromas, ripe apple and tropical fruit flavors, and a clean finish.

  • Daily's Bahama Mama Pouch 4PK

    When you close your eyes do you see blue skies, feel sand in your toes and smell the salty ocean air? We do, too. The Daily's Frozen Bahama Mama Pouch is the perfect remedy for a case of the tropical blues. Make any occasion a party û any time, any place û with a ready to drink tropical delight.

  • Daily's Blue Hawaiian Pouch 4PK

    The Blue Hawaiian is a tropical cocktail made of rum, pineapple juice, Curatao, creme of coconut, and sometimes vodka as well, and Daily's has taken all of the work out making one by putting it in a foil pouch that you just freeze and enjoy.

  • Daily's Hurricane Pouch 4PK

    The term “Hurricane Warning” will have a whole new meaning after one delicious Daily’s Frozen Hurricane Pouch. Fruity, tropical and already blended for your convenience. It’s fun… done easy!

  • Daily's Jamaican Smile Pouch 4PK

    What is it about Jamaica that makes people smile? The glorious beaches… the romantic sunsets? We think it’s the delicious secret of the locals – a drink called the Jamaican Smile. This refreshing frozen cocktail is the perfect blend of strawberry, banana and pineapple flavors. Whisk away to a tropical paradise, without checking a bag.

  • Daily's Mango Tango Margarita Pouch 4PK

    It takes two to tango – in this case, two of the juiciest, most delicious fruits on the dance floor. Mango and tangerine flavors come together in this refreshing, tasty frozen margarita for a sweet and mellow tango. No mess, no fuss. Just a delicious, pre-mixed margarita, ready when you are