
  • Canard The Rescuer 750ML

    Canard not your typical Merlot blend form the Napa Valley. Styled after the incredible wines from the "Right Bank" in Bordeaux, this soft yet dense expression of a very elegant varietal shows star anise, crushed clove, dried sage and black cherry on the nose. Ultra fat mid palate yields to a silky smooth finish of cinnamon toast, dark chocolate, fresh black berries and cherries that will stay with you for a long time. Aged in French oak to create a long-term, age-worthy blend, this wine will cellar very well for 10+ years.

  • Canard Zinfandel 750ML

    Canard on the nose, rich ripe red fruits with rose petals and exotic spices. Full bodied in style, this wine has beautifully balanced acidity that makes it extremely food friendly. The mid-palate leads into a dry mouth full of ripe red cherries, blackberries and red currants, ending with a soft and very long finish of white pepper and vanilla beans.

  • Candoni Chianti 750ML

    Candoni our Chianti comes from a careful selection of Sangiovese and Canaiolo grapes grown in Tuscany. It has an intense ruby-purple red color with a nose of fresh almond and mature blackberry. Its soft, warm taste is dry on the palate. Food pairings: Excellent with red meats and hearty soups. Also pairs well with cheeses.

  • Candoni Moscato d'Italia 750ML

    Candoni low in alcohol, semi-sparkling, but remarkably fruity and fragrant, it has an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity. Made from 100% Moscato Bianco grapes from the central Italy. It makes an exceptional dessert wine but is also versatile enough to enjoy as an aperitif or during summer picnics or patio meals.

  • Candoni Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Candoni Pinot Grigio is medium-bodied, well-structured and sophisticated. It has a rich, pear-like nose, followed by a crisp acidity and a delicious mouth feel. Food Pairings: A delicious accompaniment to fish, seasonal pasta dishes or chicken. It can also stand alone as an aperitif on a hot summer day.

  • Candor Zinfandel 750ML

    Great Zinfandel grapes grow in pockets all over the state, and the Hope family have done their homework. This wine benefits from a combination of hardy, gnarly old vines, some of them over 50 years old, and exuberant new ones, all meticulously farmed. Blended together across vineyards and vintages, Candor Zinfandel has real panache—bright berry fruit, spice, and that undefinable zing that says it’s really Zinfandel.

  • Canoe Ridge Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Deep ruby red color shows pure cherry, currant and star anise aromas. Deep and voluptuous texture is complemented with rich currant, and raspberry, anise and cedar. Full bodied, this wine finishes with well-balanced tannins.

  • Cantina Zaccagnini - montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ML

    Intense violet robe. Aromas of plum and ripe blackberry. Each sip delivers a mouthful of ripe berries, leather and black pepper with subtle hints of oregano, dried herbs and a touch of vanilla; all leading to a dry and supple finish. Assertive, full-flavored "country style" cooking such as: Venison or rabbit stew; Ossobuco; Roast leg of lamb; Spaghetti puttanesca; Pasta with sausage, pepper and onions; Roast duck with green peppercorn sauce.

  • Cantina Zaccagnini Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Pale yellow with green nuances; very delicate bouquet, fragrant with extremely pleasant aromas. Very fresh and well-balanced flavors. With a crisp and elegant finish.

  • Captain Morgan 100 Proof Rum

    "This blend of Caribbean rums and select spices brings out the intensity of rum in full flavor. A firm favorite, it’s specially crafted to taste great with Cola or as a shot."

  • Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum 750ML

    Crafted using only the finest Caribbean rum & select spices, Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum is finished with double charred blackened oak for a taste as bold as the legendary buccaneer. Blackstrap Rum, Rich Clove Spice and Premium Cassia Bark. Legend has it, the pirates of old stored their high proof rum in charred oak casks in order to give it a smooth mellow taste.

  • Captain Morgan Caribbean White Rum

    The pristine waters of the Caribbean inspired the creation of Captain Morgan White Rum. A white rum that is five times distilled and made with fine cane molasses, Captain Morgan White Rum is as smooth as the Captain himself. “On the nose, it’s hugely aromatic, with sweet notes of coconut, cane sugar and even toffee. On the mouth, it also runs “sweet” in the open, with a mild, round and viscous mid-weight mouthfeel. On the finish: Coconut, menthol and papaya.

  • Captain Morgan Long Island Iced Tea 1.75L

    A legendary mix of rum, vodka, whiskey, gin and triple sec liqueur with a refreshing taste only the Captain could deliver—simply pour over ice.

  • Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum

    Smooth and medium bodied, Captain Morgan ® Original Spiced is a spirit drink based on a secret blend of Caribbean rums, mellow spice and other natural flavours. It gets its distinct richness and amber colour from aging the rum in charred white oak barrels. Captain Morgan ® Original Spiced is the perfect mix with Cola – the secret recipe of spices blend with the Cola to make a legendary mix!

  • Captain Morgan Private Stock Rum 750ML

    Rich, dark and full-bodied, Captain Morgan Private Stock blends hints of secret island spices with a smooth velvet texture. The craft of Caribbean rum-making is over 300 years old. Captain Morgan Private Stock is one the most sophisticated rums to come from this long-standing tradition. Captain Morgan Private Stock takes the spirit of The Captain to the highest levels of taste and style - enjoy it straight, on the rocks, or with a favorite mixer.

  • Captain Morgan Silver Spiced Rum

    A distinctive blend of rich white rum and tropical spice. It has a smooth, well-rounded taste with sweet vanilla character that is lighter and dryer than our original blend.

  • Caravella Limoncello Lemon Liqueur 750ML

    Caravella Limoncello is made in Italy with lemons grown on the Italian Amalfi coast. The distinctive taste is said to come from a combination of ripe and un-ripe lemons. Fresh citrus zest aromas have a distinctly lemony quality.

  • Cardinale Red Wine 750ML

    Cardinale as you would enjoy the varied nuances and subtle layers of a Fellini film, so you should enjoy Cardinale. The 2008 has an aromatic element that evokes violets and orange blossoms with a fruit component of dark cherry combined with a palate that offers currant, ripe blackberry, and toast with a velvety texture on a long, drawn finish.

  • Carlo Rossi Burgundy 4L

    This rich, full-bodied wine is filled with flavors of red berries with hints of spice and dark chocolate. It is perfect with traditional Italian sauces and spicy Mexican dishes.

  • Carlo Rossi Chianti 4L

    A medium body with a balanced, smooth finish. Satisfying flavors of rich, red fruit make this wine easy to enjoy. This classic Italian table wine is rich in flavor and goes well with pizza, spaghetti and various chicken dishes.

  • Carlo Rossi Reserve Chardonnay 4L

    From the Carlo Rossi Reserve Collection, this Chardonnay has subtle hints of apple, pear and oak. It goes well with cheese and fruit platters.

  • Carlo Rossi Reserve White Zinfandel 4L

    Made from red Zinfandel grapes, White Zinfandel turns a pale shade of pink by keeping the clear juice on the red skins for just a short while. Our White Zinfandel is a light-bodied wine that weaves flavors of fresh strawberry and watermelon together with a crisp, clean finish." Zinfandel has been called the 'workhorse of grapes' and produces everything from light blush to dark spicy reds.

  • Carmel Road Chardonnay Monterey 750ML

    The Liberated Chardonnay has flavors of apple blossom, citrus and perennial flowers, underlined with minerality. It has firm acidity and a clean, fruity finish. Fermented in stainless steel tanks, with no oak intoduced, to offers the true characteristics of Chardonnay.