
  • Willamette Valley Whole Cluster Fermented Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Whole Cluster Pinot Noir is a refreshing as liquid fruit salad in a glass. This wine opens with lively red fruit aromas complimented by hints of anise, violets and a slight earthiness. Flavors mirror aromas, leading with a backbone of cherry, followed by sweet-tart strawberry and cranberry flavors with notes of vanilla and spice. Plush, fruity tannins and lively, balanced acidity lead to a crisp, lip-smacking finish. Meant to drink young. Enjoy now through 2015.

  • William Hill Bench Blend Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Our Bench Blend Cabernet Sauvignon is rich and dark with aromas and flavors of blackberry and hints of chocolate. The fruit flavors are balanced by notes of brown spice and sweet vanilla from fine oak integration. The soft, plush mouthfeel, intense fruit and silky tannins evolve into an impressive fruit-focused finish.

  • William Hill Cabernet Sauvignon North Coast 750ML

    Made from a blend of grapes grown predominantly in Sonoma County and Lake County, the inaugural vintage of our William Hill Estate North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon has a rich palate of dark fruit flavors, with subtle hints of caramel and cocoa. The Sonoma fruit gave this wine its blackberry and black cherry flavors, while the Lake County fruit brought tremendous structure and presence to the blend. This Cabernet, which was blended with a touch of Merlot to round out the mouthfeel, will reveal more complex layers with time in the bottle.

  • William Hill Estate Chardonnay Napa Valley 750ML

    Bright and expressive, our William Hill Estate Napa Valley Chardonnay offers a taste of luxury with its rich palate and silky mouthfeel that culminate in a long, lingering finish. Flavors of ripe tropical and stone fruit are complemented by notes of caramel, brown spice and toasted oak for a truly memorable wine.

  • William Hill Estate Chardonnay North Coast 750ML

    William Hill Estate North Coast Chardonnay offers aromas and flavors of ripe tree fruit, underscored by hints of brown spice, citrus and tropical fruit. Hailing mostly from Sonoma and Mendocino, with a touch of fruit from Napa, this well-integrated wine has excellent acidity and a creamy mouthfeel.

  • William Hill Estate Merlot Central Coast 750ML

    William Hill Estate Central Coast Merlot is reminiscent of a bold Cabernet Sauvignon, with its rich flavors and substantial mouthfeel. Aromas of blackberry, black cherry and toasty oak set the stage for a palate of decadent black cherry, pepper and chocolate.

  • William Hill Estate Sauvignon Blanc North Coast 750ML

    Our Coastal Collection brings our style of rich, expressive wines beyond Napa to the hidden vineyards of California's North Coast and Central Coast. Our North Coast Sauvignon Blanc offers aromas of grapefruit and lemongrass, complemented by citrus and subtle mineral flavors. This wine is crisp and lively with a clean finish Winery

  • Windsor Canadian Blended Whisky

    A connoisseur's whisky of incomparable quality. A supremely smooth whisky made with waters born in the clear, clean Canadian Rockies. Supremely smooth.

  • Wine By Joe Pinot Noir 750ML

    An excitingly complex and well-balanced Pinot Noir with gorgeous mouthwatering aromas of blackberry and a touch of leather. This wine slips into your mouth with juicy, lip-smacking flavors that mirror the aromas. It is balanced by vivacious acidity and a soft and velvety mouth feel, which wraps around your tongue to deliver the impression of sweetness from the soft ripe tannins. Color – Dark enough to seduce you, and a bright eye to keep you interested Aroma – Surprises and lures you in with a classic nose Mouth Feel – Genuine, no pretenses here Flavor – All those berries and cherries Finish – Depending on your astrological sign, this wine lasts as long as you

  • Wolfschmidt Vodka 1.75L

    Vodka made in the U.S. since 1847. The first vodka introduced to the USA around the turn of the century. Originally made in Latvia then Holland. It has won 37 medals in international competions.

  • Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon

    Aromas of juicy plums marry with notes of herb and rich cedar in our elegant Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon. Deep flavors of blackberry and tobacco give this wine excellent balance, with oak aging adding a toasty, caramelized quality. With a smooth finish, this Cabernet Sauvignon is approachable and delicious. Enjoy this wine with grilled lamb chops, barbecued ribs, or spicy Bolognese pasta.

  • Woodbridge Chardonnay

    With an aroma of green apple and a floral undertone, our Woodbridge Chardonnay displays a smooth elegance. The aromas and flavors show nuances of baked apples and cinnamon, ending in a rich oak finish. This flavorful, textured wine is great to enjoy with friends over appetizers, such as crab cakes or prawn skewers. You can also try this Chardonnay with smoked salmon, grilled chicken, creamy pastas, and stuffed clams.

  • Woodbridge Extra Dry Sparkling 750ML

    Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Extra Dry is carefully crafted for those who enjoy their sparkling wine with a light touch of sweetness. This sparkler offers aromas of crisp Golden Delicious apple, fresh pear, and honeysuckle. On the palate, bright acidity balances the slightly sweet flavors, reminiscent of a fresh-baked lemon tart.

  • Woodbridge Lightly Oaked Chardonnay

    Our Woodbridge Lightly Oaked Chardonnay displays white nectarine citrus notes with a hint of spiced apple, leading to a refreshing, clean finish. Just a touch of oak adds a creamy texture to the wine, while allowing the bright fruit flavors to shine. This vibrant wine pairs exceptionally well with light dishes, such as grilled shrimp, or pasta pomodoro. Best served slightly chilled.

  • Woodbridge Malbec

    Our medium-bodied Woodbridge Malbec is is an easily drinkable wine, with robust tannins and juicy fruit notes of black cherries and blueberries. Elements of spicy pepper complement its fruitiness and provide balance. With strong flavors of plum, blackberries, and vanilla, this wine is a great match for rich meat dishes. Consider pairing it with spicy empanadas or smoky cured meats to start, followed by more substantial entrees such as beef stew, carne asada tacos, or lamb chops.

  • Woodbridge Merlot

    Our Woodbridge Merlot has luscious aromas of blackberries and cherries, and flavors of plums, red fruit, and cocoa. Coupled with supple tannins, hints of spice and mocha give this wine a complex character and good structure. Oak aging adds comforting vanilla accents to the smooth finish. This versatile Merlot pairs exceptionally well with a variety of dishes, such as hearty lasagna, roasted rack of lamb, or eggplant Parmesan.

  • Woodbridge Pinot Grigio

    Silky and dry, Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Pinot Grigio displays charming fruit, spice, floral and mineral notes from cool California vineyards.

  • Woodbridge Pinot Noir

    Elegant and seductive, this wine displays silky red fruit and spice flavors that complement a broad array of foods including lamb, beef, chicken and salmon. Believing that wine should be an integral part of life, Robert Mondavi founded Woodbridge Winery in 1979 to make fine wines for every occasion

  • Woodbridge Riesling

    With delicate aromas of jasmine and stone fruit, complemented by crisp citrus and spice, our Woodbridge Riesling is an excellent alternative to more traditional white varieties. The mild sweetness of this wine paired with a balanced acidity makes it easily enjoyable when served chilled by itself or as an accompaniment to a variety of foods. Enjoy our Riesling with Thai stir fry, roasted chicken or a crisp apple tart.

  • Woodbridge Sauvignon Blanc

    With crisp and bright flavors of tropical fruit and gooseberry, our Woodbridge Sauvignon Blanc is a fruit-forward wine that shines alone and alongside food. A lovely accompaniment to seafood dishes, our Sauvignon Blanc is a perfect complement to seared scallops over linguine. The wine's bright style also pairs nicely with light dishes such as fresh spring salad with Chèvre, and fresh appetizers such as oysters and crab cakes. Enjoy our Sauvignon Blanc slightly chilled.

  • Woodbridge White Zinfandel

    Our Woodbridge White Zinfandel is bright and crisp, making it an ideal wine to enjoy on a warm afternoon. With hints of citrus and juicy red fruit from a proprietary blend of grape varieties, the wine's fruity aromas and flavors come alive through watermelon and floral notes. Our White Zinfandel's light flavors make it an enjoyably versatile wine that pairs well with a spicy Cajun dish, such as Andouille Cajun Fettuccine, or aged cheeses.

  • Woodbridge Zinfandel

    The bright aromas of our Woodbridge Zinfandel brim with blackberry jam, dark cherries, and black pepper. Vanilla and toast flavors add life to this full-bodied wine that finishes with soft, velvety tannins. Our Zin's smooth and layered flavors pair beautifully with grilled salmon, grilled chicken, lamb kebobs, or chicken rubbed with peppery spices.

  • Woodford Reserve Bourbon Whiskey 90.4

    Each sip of our Distiller’s Select craft bourbon contains over 200 congeners, natural color, aroma and flavor components. Enjoy the full experience. Appearance: Clean, brilliant honey amber. Nose: Heavy with rich dried fruit, hints of mint and oranges covered with a dusting of cocoa. Faint vanilla and tobacco spice. Taste: Rich, chewy, rounded and smooth, with complex citrus, cinnamon and cocoa, toffee, caramel, chocolate and spice notes abound. Finish: Silky smooth, almost creamy at first with a long, warm satisfying tail.

  • Woodford Reserve Double Oaked 750ML

    Woodford Reserve Color: Deep Amber Aroma: Rich notes of dark fruit, caramel, sharp honey, chocolate, marzipan and toasted oak Taste: A full-bodied mix of vanilla, dark caramel, hazelnut, apple, fruit and spices Finish: Long and creamy with lingering hints of honeyed apple.