
  • Valley of the Moon Pinot Blanc 750ML

    This fresh Sonoma County Pinot Blanc delivers pleasing aromas of honeysuckle, peach and grapefruit. Partial aging in French Acacia wood barrels lends a rich mouth-feel followed by a bright finish.

  • Valley Of The Moon Pinot Noir 750ML

    Red cherry and pomegranate fruit aromas are lifted by notes of violet, vanilla, licorice root, caramel, allspice and a hint of smoke on the long and rich finish.

  • Van Duzer Estate Pinot Gris 750ML

    On the nose, Asian pears, peaches and a hint of dried apricots swing with guava characters. A lightened and refreshing attack leads to a savory mid-palate where subtle hints of tropical fruits, guava and passion fruits move forward with a nice structure and a refined layer of creaminess. The finish highlights a sensation of minerality that leaves a slight granular sensation to please the palate.

  • Van Duzer Flagpole Block Pinot Noir 750ML

    Van Duzer the Flagpole block represents one of the jewels of our production. Dark red, ripe fruits move across the spectrum from dark cherries to ripe strawberries with a hint of cooked plumb alternate with licorice, cedar wood notes and subtle hints of mint and leather to please the more refined nose. The bright attack on the mid palate discloses crème brulée and Graham cracker notes. Ripe tannins create length and a savory finish.

  • Van Duzer Pinot Noir 750ML

    Van Duzer the aromas imply a sense of warmth and comfort. Cherries, loose leaf black tea, brown spices and hints of smoke gently emanate from the glass in a delicate, yet not faint, manner. The wine's entry is announced by polish, concentration and complexity. Dark red fruit flavors; Van and Bing cherries and ripe raspberry are accented by mysterious spice and earth flavors that suggest the exotic. The source of the wine's complexity is the sheer purity, depth and intensity of the fruit. The concentration, a result of low yields, is given shape by a light yet sturdy frame giving the wine an airy sensation, almost pillow like on its surface, with a firm core that lends presence and persistence. Texturally one is reminded of the surface of nearly still water, polished to a high degree like a precious metal. The wine conveys a sense of elegance and grace which confidently confronts the "bigger is better" doctrine.

  • Van Duzer Riesling 750ML

    Van Duzer Riesling shows a bright fresh fruity nose, swinging between apples, peaches and dried apricot characters, wrapped with a hint of white flowers and bees wax aromas. A slight sweetness in the attack moves into a bright mid palate highlighted by a hint of passion fruit. A well balanced acidity leads to a dry finish with a lemony intensity. This Riesling finishes with focus and a pure expression of minerality

  • Van Duzer Sorcery Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Van Duzer abounding with impressions of red and black fruits and a classic balance of acid and alcohol, the taster will note traces of the unique earthy character known as "Rutherford Dust."

  • Van Duzer Vintner's Cuvée Pinot Noir 750ML

    Van Duzer aromas of freshly crushed pie and Bing cherries are punctuated by notes of vanilla, clove and fresh-turned earth. The wine enters the mouth as a lush, velvety wave of fresh red fruits, cherries and raspberries. In the mid-palate these expand to include spices, molasses and earth. Only on the finish does the wine hint at the structure that lies beneath the rich and bright fruits.

  • Velvet Crush Crush Masters Pinot Noir 750ML

    Never a more indulgent Pinot with bright fruit, mocha and spice • Medium bodied, and full of flavor • French oak aged.

  • Vendange Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L

    Intriguing Cabernet aromas of cloves, black and red cherries, and toasted oak. A hint of berry and light herbs. Good body and fruit character with medium tannins.

  • Vendange Chardonnay 1.5L

    Our Chardonnay is straw in color. A bouquet of citrus and underlying tropical notes. The wine has flavors of green apple, and pear flavors with a full rich finish. A creamy texture and balanced acidity make this wine an ideal complement to many foods.

  • Vendange Merlot 1.5L

    This Merlot has a classic varietal nose of tart cherries, toasty oak and smoke. A medium plum color, it is very dry with herbal and red fruit flavors, light to medium tannins.

  • Vendange Pinot Grigio 1.5L

    The Vendange Pinot Grigio offers bright lime and grapefruit overtones with hints of melon and pear. It is refreshingly dry, with a light body and a crisp, perfumed finish.

  • Vendange White Zin 1.5L

    Pair with SPICY dishes.

  • Vendange White Zin 1.5L

    Pair with SPICY dishes. Sweet & juicy with notes of strawberry and jasmine.

  • Ventana Chardonnay 750ML

    Ventana’s Chardonnay is light, yet fresh and focused, displaying tropical fruit notes of pineapple and mango. It is well balanced and tastes of Gala apple, pear and spicy floral tones. Light oak notes lead to hints of vanilla and honey highlights. The perfect balance of fruit, oak and acidity makes this an exceptional sipping and food friendly Chardonnay. Try it with a light pasta dish and apple spiced pork roast.

  • Vesica Vodka 1L

    Vesica is a 3 times column distilled Potato vodka. 3 times filtered thorugh a revolutionary activated carbon process at first removing all impurities and then adding water for balance before finally going through a state-of-the-art cermaic candle process to give clarity to the vodka. 100% gluten-free as strictly distilled from potatoes; not a grain base for those with grain alergies (celiac disease)

  • Veuve Clicquot Brut Rosé 750ML

    Veuve Clicquot it offers the eye radiant colour, its nose is intense and elegant. Notes of raspberry, wild strawberry and cherry predominate, followed by a touch of dried fruits and pastry. In the mouth, the attack is powerful, leaving behind a harmony of fruits. Elegant and sensual, the wine offers exceptional balance and surprising intensity.

  • Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label

    Veuve Clicquot the strength of this golden-yellow wine is immediately pleasing to the nose while its complexity explodes on the palate. The initial notes of fruit are followed by more discreet aromas of brioche and vanilla when the wine is allowed to age in the bottle. Brut Carte Jaune offers a perfect balance of finesse and forcefulness.

  • Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label w/Ice Jacket 750ML

    Veuve Clicquot flavors, consistent quality and celebratory yellow label. This classically-styled, dry Champagne is a blend of two-thirds black grapes (Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier) for body, balanced with one-third Chardonnay for elegance. It has a fine persistent sparkle and golden Champagne color. Its complex nose of apple, citrus and caramel is followed by full flavors with elegance, crispness and a slightly spicy finish. After creating the first isotherm bag, Veuve Clicquot stands out from the crowd yet again with its new collection of neoprene articles

  • Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame 750ML

    Veuve Clicquot the colour is luminous, sparkling gold with amber highlights. There is plenty of effervescence. The fine, light bead swirls up slowly and gracefully. The first nose reveals a definite mineral base, with noble fruit (white peaches, bergamot) and remarkable intensity. On agitating, the bouquet becomes gourmand and voluptuous with hints of brioche, nougat, apricot, vanilla frangipane and jasmine. On the palate, there is plenty of body and substance. The texture is crisp and silky. The chalky mineral note resonates magnificently with this full-bodied structure and intensifies the lengthy persistence. The Verzenay/Avize duet (the two dominant crus in this blend of 8 grand crus) takes on its full dimension. The finish is fresh and generous, indicating a light dosage that does nothing to disturb the wine's natural balance.

  • Victor Chardonnay 750ML

    Victor blended from the Upper and Lower vineyard of Lawson Ranch, our Chardonnay is alluringly crisp with flavors of apple, pear, peach, vanilla and hints of toasted French oak. The savor calls up the serenity and beauty of the banks of the Mokelumne River where it's grown.

  • Victor Roadside Red 750ML

    Victor a rich, medium-bodied blend from vineyards surrounding the town of Victor, just east of Lodi, CA This Zinfandel based wine is loaded with layers of violets, black currant, blueberry and spice, and yes it pairs great with chicken.

  • Vietti Moscato d'Asti Cascinetta 750ML

    Vietti pale sunshine yellow color and slight frizzante, this Moscato d'Asti has intense aromas of peaches, rose petals and ginger. On the palate it is delicately sweet and sparkling with modest acidity, good balance, good complexity and a finish of fresh apricots. Food Pairings: As aperitif, perfect accompaniment to Pan-Asian cuisine and lobster as well as pastry, fruit based and creamy desserts and blue cheeses.