Geyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
Much lore surrounds the history of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape and its popularity serves to only make it more mysterious and compelling. Its name is widely thought to stem from the French word ‘sauvage’ meaning ‘wild’ and whether accurate or not this purported origin seems apt for a grape that can be successfully grown in almost any climate. Adding to its allure is the varietal’s affinity for oak aging and the development of bottle bouquet both of which give the wine a long cellar life and complexity. Cabernet produces wines of great length and texture with rich fruit and underlying spice making it a fabulous partner to many cuisines. COLOR: Purple-red NOSE: Blueberry, blackberry, hazelnut, espresso, olive, herbs de provence PALATE: Full and soft with black cherry, fresh blueberry, peppercorn and mocha
UPC: 083417019209