Gerard Bertrand Gris Blanc Rosé 750ML
Gerard Bertrand an original rosé with a very pale pink colour plus grey and whitish tints. The bouquet reveals delightful red berry scents. A slight sparkle on the palate gives the wine all its freshness and brings out its fruit to the full. The elegant finish is pleasantly fresh and mineral. Grenache is the king of grape varieties when it comes to making light, racy, fruity rosés in contemporary style. Grenache reveals all its suppleness and cherry aromas. Its fig and sometimes cocoa flavours, plus its rounded sensations on the palate, make it one of the great varieties of the South of France. Food and Wine Pairing: To be savoured at 10-12°C as an aperitif, with seafood, Mediterranean-style salads, Asian dishes, baked fish and spicy and stronger-tasting dishes such as Thai curries or tajines.