Chandon Napa Valley Brut 750ML
Classic balance typifies this refreshingly soft, yet dry wine. The wine delivers complex apple and pear characteristics accented by citrus spice over notes of almond and caramel in the bouquet. When you taste Brut Classic, look for nutty flavors with hints of brioche that build to a refreshingly dry finish.
89 Points Wine Spectator, December 2011
“Crisp and lively, with aromas of green apple, cinnamon and vanilla that lead to appealing flavors of tropical fruit and spicy anise.”
90 Points Wine Enthusiast, December 2009
“A nice, everyday bubbly that offers elegance at an affordable price. Chardonnay contributes crisp flavors of limes, wile Pinot Noir brings deeper flavors of cherries. A lovely wine that grows in the glass.”