  • Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    A classic Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, has aromas of blackberries, dried herbs and dried floral which follow to the palate on a rich wave of concentrated flavor. There is the textural sensation of dark chocolate on the deliciously long, lingering finish,

  • Robert Mondavi Chardonnay Napa Valley 750ML

    The rich, vibrant essence of Chardonnay: Bright, enticing fruity aromas - juicy Honeycrisp apple, citrus-laced Asian pear, ripe melon and fresh quince - are intermingled with vanilla-scented crème brûlée, subtle minerality, and traces of warm hazelnut and clove. These elements segue seamlessly to the palate, offering a lush, creamy mouth feel impeccably balanced by crisp, mouthwatering acidity.

  • Robert Mondavi Pinot Noir Napa Valley 750ML

    Deliciously true to the variety and terroir the wine is lavishly perfumed and captivating in its elegance. A lovely cascade of aromas: sweet plums and juicy berries, infused with brown sugar, turned earth and warm, exotic spices translates gracefully to the palate. The rich flavors and plush texture are balanced by freshness and cool minerality. Lovely, silken texture with a long, berry and spice finish.

  • Robert Mondavi Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

    Velvety layers of blackberry, plum and cassis highlight this Central Coast Cabernet Sauvignon. The complex interplay of aromas and flavors in the wine come from these vineyards planted in varied soils throughout California's Central Coast. The winemaker carefully selected the grapes to ensure rich, ripe character with soft tannins.

  • Robert Mondavi Private Selection Chardonnay

    Robert Mondavi a luscious, complex wine. The nose reveals lemon blossom, green apple, and peach aromas with smoky oak nuances along with enticing vanilla spice and smoky oak flavors. The creamy, mouthfilling palate creates a lush impression and is balanced by a rich, lingering finish. Enjoy this delicious wine with rich seafood, poultry and pork dishes, white- sauce pastas-like Fettuccine Alfredo, or flavorful, soft-ripening cheeses.

  • Robert Mondavi Private Selection Merlot

    Robert Mondavi Merlot is the star of the vintage. The fruit was late to ripen, but produced a big, full, rich wine with dark color, aromas of dark cherry, ripe plum, milk chocolate, and roasted coffee. This Merlot has a full mouthfeel with flavors of cherry pie, plum jam, mocha coffee, and oak layered over the top. Very ripe tannin for a long, silky finish. In crafting this wine, we chose exceptional Central Coast grapes, primarily from Monterey County, a region that provides the temperate climate, and moist alluvial soils that Merlot loves. Enjoy this wine with barbecued chicken, spaghetti bolognese, wild mushroom risotto, or a perfectly grilled burger.

  • Robert Mondavi Private Selection Pinot Noir 750ML

    Robert Mondavi Pinot Noir was produced primarily from grapes grown along California's marine-influenced Central Coast. Reflecting the character of a cool vintage, which fostered the development of classic varietal aromas and flavors in our Pinot Noir grapes, this vivacious red wine's hallmark is fresh, vibrant fruit. On the nose, lovely rose petal, strawberry, and sour cherry aromas mingle with complementary scents of smoky oak. Soft and round with good length and richness on the palate, enjoy this delectable Pinot Noir with grilled salmon, herb-roasted chicken, baked ham, or lighter pork dishes.

  • Robert Mondavi Private Selection Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Lemon/lime with freshly cut grass and floral notes on the nose. The flavors of the same family with a nice acidic backbone. The acidity leans to the citrus side making for a very food friendly wine. Enjoy this superior Sauvignon Blanc with crab salad, calamari, prosciutto-wrapped pears, and roasted chicken.

  • Robert Mondavi Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Robert Mondavi An endlessly generous, layered and complex expression of To Kalon terroir: The clean blackberry entry opens up into a delicious mouthful of wild berries, black olive, sage and cassis framed by warm mocha, toasted bread and a touch of granitic minerality. Fine, well-integrated tannins and deep, rich flavors that linger… and linger…

  • Rocca delle Macie Roccato 750ML

    Rocca delle Macie a mouth-filling, velvety wine that is rich in aromas of blackberry, plum and licorice, Roccato has a good mineral component and a tannic structure that is capable of supporting long-term aging.

  • Rocca delle Macie Ser Gioveto 750ML

    Rocca delle Macie bright ruby-red in color, Ser Gioveto releases a warm, attractive aroma of black cherry, plum and blackcurrant syrup, followed by balsamic notes with a spicy finish of leather and sweet tobacco, and can hold its own with full-flavored dishes thanks to its assertive tannic note.

  • Rodney Strong Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ML

    Our Sonoma Coast Chardonnay was barrel fermented in new French oak creating toasty vanilla and spice complexities in the wine. We regularly stirred the lees during the 10 months of barrel aging to add richness and texture. The remaining portion was cold fermented in stainless steel, where malolactic fermentation brought additional character. This wine is brimming with crisp apple and pineapple fl avors, with a core of bright acidity and a long toasty finish.

  • Rodney Strong Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    A powerful Cabernet from the hillsides of Alexander Valley: Lush, dark berries and ripe plums dominate the glass, while hints of cassis and cocoa play in the background. The firm, mature tannins give this wine a strong backbone, while the 17 months of barrel aging have softened this bold wine just enough to enjoy now. Drink over the next five to seven years.

  • Rodney Strong Chalk Hill Chardonnay 750ML

    Barrel fermentation in new and seasoned French oak added toasty vanilla and spice complexities. During the eleven months of barrel aging, we regularly stirred the “lees” in barrel, and later in tank, which imparts an elegant fullness and creamy texture on the palate. In the glass, the wine is both creamy and crisp, with golden delicious yellow apple, baked pie spices and a hint of minerality on the long finish. Enjoy over the next one to three years with lobster, herb crusted halibut with a minted sweet pea purée or grilled veal chops with sautéed mushrooms.

  • Rodney Strong Charlotte's Home Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Rodney Strong light, crisp, and highly aromatic, the warmer climate Alexander Valley fruit gives this wine ripe peach, tangerine, and pineapple character, while the ocean cooled Russian River Valley fruit offers citrus, lemon grass, and slightly herbaceous qualities. Together, the two valleys make a classic Sonoma County Sauvignon Blanc that is fresh, lively, and will drink beautifully over the next 1 to 2 years.

  • Rodney Strong Knotty Vines Zinfandel 750ML

    Fresh, bright berry fruit from our heritage russian river vineyard combined with the ripe peppery jamminess from our Alexander Valley vineyards make for wonderful diversity of flavor showcasing the best that Zinfandel can offer in one wine.

  • Rodney Strong Russian River Valley Pinot Noir 750ML

    Supple in texture, with rose petal and red fruit aromas, this lively, medium bodied wine is aged entirely in small French oak barrels, which adds a subtle, toasty vanilla character and a hint of spice. Ideal for current enjoyment, this pinot noir will hold nicely over the next 2 to 4 years.

  • Rodney Strong Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Aromas of blackberry, cocoa, and currant lead to a rich, layered mouthfeel, replete with black cherry, cedar, and cassis, and structured with lush, mature tannins. Enjoy this seductive cabernet sauvignon now and over the next several years.

  • Rodney Strong Sonoma County Merlot 750ML

    Plum and blueberry flavors with a touch of dried herb predominate in this soft, rich, mouth filling merlot, and are enhanced by aging in small oak barrels for a toasty, spicy vanilla character, and a lingering berry-cream finish. Drink this satisfying merlot over the next 2 to 4 years.

  • Roederer Estate Brut 750ML

    The Roederer Estate Brut is crisp and elegant with complex pear, spice and hazelnut flavors. It is fresh and lightly fruity with great finesse and depth of flavor.

  • Roederer Estate Brut Rosé 750ML

    The Roederer Estate Brut Rosé is full and round with smooth flavors and fine persistent bubbles. The extra measure of Chardonnay contributes elegance and austerity, which balance nicely with the delicate fruitiness of the Pinot Noir.

  • Rombauer Carneros Chardonnay 750ML

    Rombauer's rich yellow color and becoming more golden with age. Inviting fruit aromas of honeydew, yellow peach and fig are supported by vanilla and caramel. Creamy vanilla integrates with honeysuckle, pineapple and apricot for a fabulous richness on the palate. A luscious mouthfeel leads to a generous and creamy finish. Pleasantly voluptuous from a cooler vintage.

  • Rombauer Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Rombauer the fruit for this Cabernet Sauvignon comes from our vineyards in Stags Leap, Atlas Peak, St. Helena and Calistoga. To ensure optimum quality and fruit expression, we control every aspect from farming each vineyard to bottling the wine. Our meticulous attention to detail shows in this exceptional Cabernet Sauvignon. Our favorite Joy of Cooking pairings for this wine include rack of lamb over mashed potatoes, venison black bean chili, and chocolate ganache tart.

  • Rombauer Napa Valley Merlot 750ML

    An opaque, crimson red color coats the glass. Vibrant and concentrated aromas of tobacco and cedar intertwine with plum and boysenberry. Medium to full bodied, the wine shows elegance and structure as it spreads across the palate, subtle tannins round out the texture. Clean finish with hints of red berry fruit.
