  • Orin Swift D66 750ML

    Orin Swift a dark red almost opaque color to the wine coats the glass and drifts down the sides slowly after the swirl. Aromas of ripe crushed cherries intertwined with seasoned French oak dominate the nose and lead gently into an enormous entry. Ripe strawberries and bruised watermelon front the structured mid pallet which bursts with bright acidity and subtle briar fruits. The finish is long, concentrated and lasting.

  • Orin Swift Locations CA 750ML

    Orin Swift densely purple hued, the wine reveals pleasing aromas of wild flowers, dark berry fruits, plum, dried herbs, and subtle, toasty oak. The entry is rofoundly rich with exquisite mineral notes. Flavors of black cherry, dark chocolate, roasted coffee, licorice, and boysenberry form an intense core. Soft and even tannins provide a pure finish that i s highly expressive and everlasting.

  • Orin Swift Locations E2 750ML

    Orin Swift an alluring cast of blooming crimson and deep red shades are immediately present in the glass. Complimenting the appearance is an impressive intensity on the nose with elevated dark cherry and exotic spice notes. The entry is rich with youthful berry compote, floral, and plum flavors, complimented with bright acidity. The finish is expansive and pleasing with a persistent mocha tinge and silky tannins. A blend of Grenache/Garnacha, Tempranillo, Monastrell, and Carignan/Cariñena. Priorat, Jumilla, Toro, Rioja, and Ribera del Duero are among the most noble growing regions on the Iberian Peninsula and purposely chosen for the second release of our Spanish red wine. A continuation of an original concept to seek out particular vineyards and make an eclectic blend, we have discovered new sites to advance our original purpose. Super concentrated fruit from old vines with low yields are accented with a judicious oak program for a balanced and distinctive wine.

  • Orin Swift Locations I1 750ML

    Orin Swift revealing an attractive color spectrum of crimson and scarlet with a slight magenta band on the rim, the wine explodes with aromas of macerated raspberries, dried lavender, plum tart, and toasty oak accents. The palate is immediately hit with super lush flavors of ripe berries and spice, supported with a dense core that has just the right amount of characteristic acidity. The tannins are already velvety and soft which provide for a lingering finish with hints of minerality and some herbal notes.

  • Orin Swift Machete 750ML

    Orin Swift in the glass, deep, dark bluish-red hues can be seen with a band of ruby on the rim. Uplifted aromatics of ripe blackberries, mulled raspberries, acacia flowers, toasty oak, and herbal notes hit the nose in a pronounced way. Offering up robust flavors during the approach, the mid palate is exposed to an unadulterated array of crushed berries, dark chocolate, black fruits, and a tinge of creamy espresso. Finishing with principle, the glossy tannins are in alignment for immediate enjoyment or some time in the cellar too.

  • Orin Swift Mannequin 750ML

    Orin Swift a brilliant yellow, gold hue invites the senses and draws attention the wine's supremely fragrant notes of honeysuckle, pear, orange peel, green apple, roasted fig, and a touch of French oak. Ripe, round, and exotic, the palate is treated to a supple and concentrated mouthfeel supported with melon, fresh pineapple, and citrus flavors. The finish is positively rich and lingering with a lively seam of acidity to add dimension.

  • Orin Swift Palermo Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Orin Swift the wine opens with a commanding presence of rich, fruit driven aromas laced with a hint of French oak. Upon entry, vibrant flavors of ripe currant, plum, roasted fig, and mocha invite the palate and then transition effortlessly into a supple and polished experience. Able tannin chains are balanced with bright acidity that supports a finish with almost never ending fruit themes. Perfectly approachable now, the wine can last for up to ten years in the cellar.

  • Orin Swift Papillon 750ML

    The wine casts a dark shade of crimson with a tinge of magenta on the rim of the glass. Classic aromas of currant, cassis, and plum are instantly present along with soft French oak notes and some cedar box accents. Rich and opulent, flavors of Bing cherry, ripe blackberry, mocha, espresso, and black licorice welcome the palate. The density and concentration is succeeded with round and silky tannins providing an incredibly long finish.

  • Orin Swift Saldo Zinfandel 750ML

    Orin Swift Saldo has a dark ruby color and intense aromas of dark cherry, cocoa powder and baking spice. The entry is rich and full, and leads into a broad mid palate with concentration and density, backed by lively acidity. The texture is soft and the tannins are polished. The finish is long with persistent notes of chocolate, berry and vanilla bean.

  • Orma Toscana 750ML

    Orma it is aged 14 months in French barriques, 60% of which new, 40% second year. The result is a sumptuous, elegant blend fully expressing the land it hails from. Deep, intense ruby in color, the bouquet recalls ripe red fruit and blackberries with notes of Mediterranean vegetation and eucalyptus and a subtle nuance of baked bell peppers from the component varieties. Structured, velvet-textured and complex on the palate, its rich, layered flavors and roundness are sustained by a vibrant, vivid freshness and sweet, well balanced, perfectly integrated tannins. A very consistent, very long finish evokes the lingering aromas of the bouquet. A wine that speaks of Bolgheri terroir, Moretti style, Italian taste.

  • Osborne Cream Sherry 750ML

    Woody, resinous aromas give way to caramel, fig and roasted walnut flavors. It has character, settling into a long, walnut and molasses aftertaste." Enjoy after dinner. Wine Enthusiast 87 "Nice and familiar, and very much in the sweet, creamy style. There's almond candy and caramel on the palate and then maple syrup on the finish. Soft and sweet throughout, with just enough acidity and complexity to save it from being boring.

  • Osborne Manzanilla Fino Sherry 750ML

    Elegant yet persistent, this outstanding Sherry combines a broad structure with subtle and lingering mineral, flint, petrol and vanilla flavors. Quality this high at a price this low is increasingly rare--enjoy.

  • Osborne Pale Dry Fino Sherry 750ML

    Osborne Fino is a pale, straw colored wine with a fresh, impeccably dry crispness. It has a clean palate, and an extraordinary almond-like fragrance. This wine should be served very cold and is excellent with olives, salted nuts, and shellfish.

  • Oyster Bay Chardonnay 750ML

    Oyster Bay Marlborough Chardonnay truly captures the character of Marlborough with pure, incisive, ripe fruit flavours. A combination of barrel and tank fermentation and the stirring of lees on oak, achieves maximum softness and integration. To retain all the natural assertiveness and flavour, no malolactic fermentation takes place. Clonal influences in the vineyard have been very important, providing smaller berries and enhanced flavour intensity. The result of all of this is a delicious Oyster Bay Marlborough Chardonnay with concentrated aromas and flavours of ripe citrus and stonefruit, balanced with subtle oak, and a creamy texture to finish.

  • Oyster Bay Pinot Noir 750ML

    Oyster Bay fragrant cherry, red berry fruit with violet nuances, and a lingering silken, seductive texture. The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours.With every vintage we are working with more established vines from a steadily growing number of small vineyard blocks, each site chosen specifically for its uniform soils of moderate fertility providing for slow ripening and enhanced flavour development. With Pinot Noir the fruit is always the primary focus, but of course we have many opportunities to influence it with traditional winemaking techniques to add subtlety and complexity. We use both barrel and tank fermentation and we also mature with a mix of new and older French oak. Oyster Bay Marlborough Pinot Noir is elegant cool climate Pinot Noir at its best. Fragrant, soft and flavourful with aromas of ripe cherries, plums and gentle sweet fruit tannins to provide serious structure and length.

  • Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Oyster Bay the philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours.It all starts in the vineyard. We treat each vineyard block and parcel of wine as individual. The fruit is crushed, gently pressed and the juice is cold settled.Pale straw green in colour with brilliant clarity, Oyster Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is zesty and aromatic with lots of lively, penetrating fruit characters. A concentration of tropical and gooseberry flavours with an abundant bouquet, it is a wine that is always crisp, elegant and refreshing.

  • Pacific Rim Riesling 750ML

    Portraying bright crispness, subtle sweetness and aromas of jasmine, pear and apple, Pacific Rim Riesling exemplifies the harmony of Riesling. The sweetness plays wonderfully with fiery fare (from Thai to Mexican), while the natural acidity stands up to richer foods (from French to German).

  • Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling 750ML

    Pacific Rim the Washington grapes that we choose for the Sweet Riesling are picked riper than the grapes for the dry Riesling. We use a small amount of yeast to encourage the fermentation to stick - or keep it from becoming completely dry. We ferment at low temperatures in stainless steel tanks. Like our Dry Riesling, this is another no oak, no malolactic wine. To stop the fermentation we use our centrifuge, which separates the yeast and the wine... this concludes the fermentation. We leave a good amount of carbon dioxide in the wine to create a lively feeling to the wine - although it's not spritzy. The resulting wine is moderately sweet and refreshingly low in alcohol - less than 9% - with flavors of pineapple and peach. Our Sweet Riesling brings perfect balance to all fiery fare - especially Thai, Szechwan and Caribbean cuisine... or simply enjoy as an aperitif.

  • Palmaz Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Palmaz Vineyards the aromas of this wine are reminiscent early spring cherry, and lingonberry lifted with a note of herbs d Provence. The textures are surprisingly lush and tannins ripe for such a cool vintage and the finish is focused and youthful. Detractors of this vintage be dammed, we dare to feel that 2009 Palmaz will be an exceptional wine to collect and a refreshing return to classic Napa Cabernet.

  • Pascual Toso Malbec 750ML

    Aside from this line of single-varietal wines, Pascual Toso produces some sparkling wines and a high-end line, Magdalena Toso, whose bottles are priced well above the cut-off for this guide. There’s also a Malbec rosé, whose color is a radioactive hot pink, not the pale salmon color one looks for in a rosé. We’ll stick with this repeat-winner Malbec—our blind tasters found it alternately fruity and earthy, and it’s easy to imagine drinking it with a juicy steak. Nose: One blind taster focused on its ripe, jammy fruit, while another found earth and tea leaves. Mouth: The fruit lingers into an impressively long finish.

  • Paso Creek Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Paso Creek the abundant summer sun, along with heat that can hit the hundreds, gives the fruit the time necessary for massive flavor development. Then, like clockwork most every evening, the fog funnels in from the Pacific Ocean through the Templeton Gap. Temperatures at night can drop as much as 60 degrees. And that's how the grapes get their signature structure, snappy acidity, and tranquil tannins.

  • Paul Hobbs CrossBarn Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Paul Hobbs enticing aromas of blackcurrant and bittersweet cocoa grace this deep garnet-hued cabernet sauvignon. Silky in texture and firmly structured, it offers a rich palate of cassis and blackberry, framed by supple tannins and notes of graphite. Balanced acidity brightens a long finish.

  • Paul Hobbs CrossBarn Chardonnay 750ML

    Paul Hobbs a delicate pale gold in color, this cool climate chardonnay boasts fresh aromas of pomelo, baked pear galette and chamomile flower. The wine is juicy and pure on the palate with flavors of apricots, lime chiffon pie and white tea. The texture is round and vibrant with a long, polished finish.

  • Paul Hobbs CrossBarn Pinot Noir 750ML

    Paul Hobbs dark ruby in color and scented with huckleberries, rose petals and anise, this lively expression of cool climate Anderson Valley pinot noir emerges from the glass in layers of red currant, blackberry and cola with subtle hints of vanillin, clove and cardamom. Supple tannins and balanced acidity grace a long finish.
