  • Luna Vineyards Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Luna Vineyards Pinot Grigio is a pale straw color. Aromas of ripe pear, guava, and honeysuckle carry the nose. Hints of green apple pastries fill the mouth and the fleshy texture carries through to a refreshing and balanced finish.

  • Luna Vineyards Sangiovese 750ML

    Luna Vineyards 2011 Napa Valley Sangiovese is perfumed with aromas of black cherries, raspberries, sandalwood, and a hint of vanilla. Bing cherry dominates the mid- palate, accented by raspberries and hints of sandalwood. The finish begins with appealing minerality notes and finishes with a spice infusion of cocoa bean.

  • Lunetta Prosecco 750ML

    Lunetta color: Pale straw with greenish reflections, fine bubbles and a creamy white foam. Bouquet: Fragrant, with enticing aromas of apple and peach. Taste: Refreshing, dry and harmonious, with crisp fruit flavors and a clean finish.

  • Lustau Amontillado Los Arcos 750ML

    Lustau soft and dry, a light, freshly nutty style of Amontillado with just a hint of wood and smoky raisins. Very attractive fresh fruit and clean acidity. The Los Arcos Amontillado is ideal as a warming aperitiff, with tapas, especially nuts and meats. It can also be served with a meal or any type of cold meat platter or richly flavored seafoods. It is best served lightly chilled in a copita or white wine glass.

  • Macedon Pinot Noir 750ML

    Macedon from the country of Macedonia, this stunning Pinot is named for Alexander the Great (the original "Macedon"), and hails from an area noted as the "cross-roads of the ancient world, and the birthplace of wine". It originates in Gradsko, sharing the same latitude band as Burgundy and Russian River Valley. The 40+ year old vines grow where two major weather fronts collide: the Aral Mountain continental and the Greek Aegean, yielding virtually no rain and consistent wind. The result is a wine of terrific elegance and complexity, rich yet linear; pretty, but with depth and power. Food Pairings: Seafood, mild cheese, prosciutto, rabbit meat with mushroom sauce.

  • MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir Central Coast 750ML

    Classic aromas from the cool micro-climates of the Central Coast, this wine showcases flavors of red cherry, cola and briar complemented by nuances of sweet vanilla and oak.

  • MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir Russian River 750ML

    It comes from parcels planted with the relatively new Dijon clones. Seductive notes of black cherries, forest floor, rose petals and wild strawberries are followed by a complex, medium-bodied, soft, round Pinot Noir.

  • Maddalena Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 750ML

    Maddalena Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon shows ripe red fruit, including raspberry, plum, and spicy black cherry. Barrel aging contributes notes of vanilla, caramel, and oak spice. The mouth is round with a rich, silky texture that is framed by soft tannins.

  • Madria Sangria Moscato

    Madria Sangria Moscato offers a tropical, delicious blend of Moscato wine with hints of orange, peach and apple. This white sangria has just the right amount of sweetness and refreshment. It pairs perfectly with fun, festive gatherings on warm summer nights.

  • Magnificent Wine Company House Wine Red 750ML

    Magnificent Wine Company ripe Strawberry and Raspberry fruit, warm leather, and toasty oak swirl in the glass. Deep fruit flavors of strawberry and cherry are followed by. Blackcurrant. Firm tannins support lingering fruit and oak throughout the long finish.

  • MAN Chenin Blanc 750ML

    MAN bursting with flavor, our very "more-ish" Chenin Blanc is our best-selling white wine. Ideal growing conditions, very special vines and of course our attention to detail in the winemaking create a mouth-watering Chenin Blanc with intense tropical fruit flavours offset by a vibrant acidity. A versatile option for almost any dish - especially spicy Thai curries, Mediterranean tapas and rich seafood dishes. Great on its own too!

  • MAN Pinotage 750ML

    MAN a modern style that showcases the best Pinot Noir-like characteristics of Pinotage. Juicy bright fruits, soft tannins and a perfumed nose make this a very accessible Pinotage. We like to focus on the juicier, softer side of Pinotage by carefully managing the fermenting wine. We are able to emphasise the soft mouthfeel, perfume and expressive fruit of Pinotage. Just a touch of oak maturation means the result is delicate and pretty, with beautiful red berry flavours, a hint of cinnamon and very gentle tannins.

  • Manischewitz Blackberry Wine

    This sweet and fruity wine is bursting with the essence of freshly harvested dark blackberries. The crisp acidity balances the sweetness and up-front fruit aromas.

  • Manischewitz Concord Grape

    This sweet and fruity wine is bursting with the essence of fresh Concord grapes. The crisp acidity balances the sweetness and up-front fruit aromas.

  • Marcarini Barolo Brunate 375ML

    Marcarini the wine has a magnificent garnet-red color with intense ruby-red reflections, of correct intensity and tonality. The nose is composite, rich, full and persistent, with hints of vanilla, sweet spices, tobacco, mountain hay and underbrush. Impressive taste sensations reveal the wine's imperious, noble, warm and velvety character, and the flavor is long and intense. To be served in crystal glasses with very large bowls.

  • Marco Negri Moscato d'Asti DOCG 750ML

    Marco Negri Moscato d’Asti DOCG wine is made with 100% Moscato bianco grapes. This pale golden wine is light and elegant with a rich, fruity bouquet and a taste that is beautifully balanced between sweetness and acidity. Low in alcohol and slightly fizzy, it is delicious and very easy to drink. It serves as a superb accompaniment to desserts and since it is low in alcohol, is also an excellent aperitif.

  • Marietta Cellars Angeli Cuvee Alexander Valley 750ML

    A blend of old vine Zinfandel, Petite-Syrah and Carignan, this top of the line Cuvee displays an exciting bouquet of blackberry, spicy pepper, and toasty oak. Robust and full-bodied, this highly extracted wine features flavors of black fruits, intermingled with spice.

  • Marietta Old Vine Red Lot 57 750ML

    Marietta we have been making Old Vine Red, our proprietary Zinfandel based blend, for over three decades now. We always feel like we hit amazing consistency in the blend, but it rarely falls right into place like it did with Lot 57. Aromas of juicy and bright red fruits (cherries, raspberries, etc) are packed next to fresh plums and black currants. Some complex layers of licorice, sweet earth, and spice follow in turn. A full and rich mouth feel leads to soft textured tannins and lingering fruit flavors. The acidity picks up just enough to bring the finsh home in a concise and clean fashion.

  • Marietta Old Vine Red Lot 60 750ML

    The non-vintage Old Vine Red Lot 60 represents 90,000 cases, and is a blend of four vintages, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. There is a lot of Zinfandel and Petite Sirah as well as some more obscure grapes in this bistro-styled, chunky, fleshy, meaty, deep ruby-colored wine. Copious notes of pepper, charcuterie, black cherries and black currants are also found in this spicy, soft, round crowd-pleaser. Drink it over the next 12 months, although this wine can probably last, although not improve, for 4-5 years.

  • Marilyn Wines Merlot 750ML

    Marilyn Wines the long cool growing season in Napa Valley yielded Merlot wines of lovely balance and elegance. Marilyn Merlot is completely ready to enjoy on release and offers the promise of graceful aging as well. A great conversation piece at dinner, a wine that lives up to its promise of Napa glamour in a glass. The photo portrait of Marilyn Monroe in a red dress set against a black background is from the last photo session with Milton Greene in 1957, and it is as playful as it is provocative -- qualities Marilyn often combined in films and in life.

  • Marilyn Wines Norma Jeane Merlot 750ML

    Marilyn Wines softer tannins, lower alcohol, and fresh fruit flavors are essential for the wine's appreciation. This Norma Jeane wine is rich in color with dark berry flavors and ready to be enjoyed now.

  • Mark West Chardonnay Central Coast 750ML

    Mark West a refreshing, medium-bodied white with kiwi, honeydew melon, and gooseberries. Pairs perfectly with: grilled salmon, chicken alfredo, cobb salad, or pie à la mode.

  • Mark West Pinot Noir California 750ML

    One of California's most widely recognized Pinot Noirs, the Mark West possesses generous flavors of cherries, red berries, dark fruit, and a hint of baking spices. The soft finish is silky smooth and gentle.

  • Markham Cellar 1879 Red Blend 750ML

    Markham color: Deep Garnet Aroma: Violet, boysenberry, plum and tobacco aromas Taste: Graham cracker, vanilla and spicy fruit flavors are layered over a ripe, lush mouthfeel.
