  • Fish Eye Moscato 3L

    Pear nectar, a nice bit of acidity and not as sweet as you'd think. Quite pleasant, and my favorite of the trio. I preferred it chilled at the end of a long hot day.

  • Fish Eye Pinot Grigio 3L

    Pleasant, soft style of Pinot Grigio, Fisheye offers lively fruit aromas and flavors with a zesty finish. Great for the beach or to enjoy with friends as an aperitif.

  • Fish Eye Sauvignon Blanc 3L

    Luscious melon with refreshing, zesty finish. Fish tacos or shrimp scampi. An excellent wine to enjoy with or without food.

  • Five Rows Durant Ranch Chardonnay 750ML

    The Chardonnay shows good acidity, a nice balance to the ripe pineapple, pear and passion fruit flavors. Just a hint of vanilla spice oak ends in the finish.

  • Flaherty Aconcagua Red 750ML

    Flaherty displays the classic fruit flavors of the Aconcagua Valley, with a rich base of blackberry, black plum and dried peach (called huesillos, en Chile). Notes of violets, lavender, sour cherry, spearmint, cinnamon stick, cola, vanilla cream, toasted oak and new leather jacket contribute complexity and depth. This medium-bodied wine has a twist of acidity on the entry and finishes with sweet juicy tannins.

  • Flora Springs Trilogy 750ML

    Flora Springs it is hard for us to contain our excitement over the release of the 2008 Trilogy. It exhibits all of the classic Trilogy attributes with a lovely cassis and cherry bouquet as well as huge black fruit flavors that envelope the palate. However, the layers of flavor go beyond anything we have previously crafted and the mouth-feel is wonderfully lush and polished.

  • Flore de Moscato 750ML

    A cool stream of citrus and peaches tickles your tongue and enlivens your evenings. Our Salt of the Earth Flore de Moscato is made at summer's end by crushing succulent, freshly harvested muscat grapes. The juices are slightly fermented in steel tanks and quickly chilled to retain their delectable sugar and natural spritz. Made solely with pure ripe Orange Muscat and Muscat Canelli grapes, Salt of the Earth Flore de Moscato gives you the freedom to drink it whenever and with whatever you wish: as a cool afternoon refreshment; accompanied by fruit, cheeses, roast beef, or other savory and spicy foods and later in the evening to keep your night going strong. Salt of the Earth defies traditional wine categories, and challenges you to simply enjoy it wherever you are.

  • Folia a Deux Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Picked from the rolling vineyards of the Alexander Valley, this 100% Cabernet Sauvignon was aged 18 months in a combination of French and American oak barrels. Sumptuous and complex, featuring fragrant dark cherry, blackberry, cassis and anise aromas, and rich, elegant, black fruit flavors.

  • Folie a Deux Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel 750ML

    Lightly blended with of Petite Sirah to enhance color and mid-palate flavors, this Dry Creek Valley Zin is the quintessential Folie à Deux wine — in other words, it will impel you to dance and share a bottle with friends, probably simultaneously! Intense, juicy and jammy, our classic Zinfandel's bright raspberry and blackberry fruit is complemented by the characteristic black pepper spice tones that give the varietal its invigorating zestiness.

  • Folie a Deux Russian River Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    Fermented and aged in French oak barrels to preserve the wine's rich, vibrant fruit character, this quintessential Russian River Chardonnay is a joyful dance of sun, sea and soil. Seductive, complex aromas of honey, green apple, tropical fruits, vanilla and baking bread introduce juicy apple, pineapple and tropical fruit flavors with light butter notes from partial malolactic fermentation and crisp balancing acidity.

  • Fonseca Porto Bin No.27 Finest Reserve 375ml

    Fonseca Bin No. 27 was created over a century ago for family consumption, and only released commercially in 1972. It is produced primarily from wines from Fonseca's own quintas in the Cima Corgo and thus shows an exceptional quality and consistency from year to year. Blended from reserve wines selected for their superb fruit character and depth of color, it's well-knit structure, rich, velvety full body and luscious blackcurrant and cherry flavors, also dominant in the bouquet, finish on an intense, lingering note.

  • Fortune 1621 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Fortune 1621 Fresh nose of blackberry, cassis and touches of dried violet. The palate is fullbodied with pure notes of blueberries intermingled with chocolate, caramel and hints of bacon.

  • Foxhorn Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This cabernet has a ruby color of medium depth. The aromas are of cassis, cherry and olive with a bouquet of chocolate, vanilla and clove. On the palate the wine is soft and supple in texture with flavors of cassis, cherry, chocolate and clove.

  • Foxhorn Chardonnay 1.5L

    Enjoy this chardonnay's green apple aromas and hints of vanilla in the satisfying finish. Perfect with grilled Salmon or cream-sauced pasta.

  • Foxhorn Pinot Grigio - Chardonnay 1.5L

    This blended white wine uses Chardonnay and Pinot Gris grapes--both widely grown and used. This is a full-bodied wine with a golden color and a citrusy aroma. You’ll taste apple, spice, nut and pineapple with just a hint of cinnamon toast. A good table wine at a real value, chill and serve with apps and seafood.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    For our Ivory Label Cabernet Sauvignon, we combine fruit from appellations as far north as El Dorado and as far south as Paso Robles where some of our vineyards experience diurnal temperature extremes, which slows the ripening process and enhances the rich, succulent flavors of the fruit, as well as the complexity of the palate. Because the crop was extremely light and fruit wasn’t picked until well into fall, the grapes received extended hangtime on the vines, which resulted in greater concentration and body. As a result, our Cabernet exhibits a rich, luscious texture with well-tempered tannins and beautifully layered notes of spice and oak.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Chardonnay 750ML

    Golden yellow in color. Aromas of tangerine, apples, toasted oak and cloves. Flavors of honeyed-pears, pineapple and creme brulee. 2011 experienced a long growing season because of chilly spring temperatures and heavy rains that delayed bud break. These conditions lightened our crop significantly, but having fewer clusters of fruit on each vine allowed the Chardonnay to develop intense aromatics and great flavor complexity

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Claret 750ML

    Claret is a Cabernet Sauvignon-based wine, blended in the classic Bordeaux style. Our prize offering, the ultra premium Claret, sports a label that honors the first Cabernet Sauvignon blended in a Bordeaux style by Gustave Niebaum in 1910. Claret is a term originally coined by the British to describe Cabernet-based wines. This Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Malbec and Cabernet Franc blend is alluring and sophisticated; it is memorably lush with a tapestry of smooth tannins and succulent flavors of wild berries, plum and anise, cassis and roasted espresso. Borrowing tradition of European wineries, we add gold netting to bottle to signify outstanding quality of wine.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Merlot 750ML

    A vibrant California Merlot, displaying luscious plum and red raspberry flavors. Sourced from the same core of Merlot grape-growers since premiere vintage in 1997. Our Merlot combines fruit from Napa, Sonoma and Monterey. The flavors and textures unique to each region harmonize perfectly to create a wine that has dark succulent fruit balanced by natural acidity. Intense aromatics of raspberry and blueberry lead to flavors of crushed berries, vanilla and leather, which are wrapped up in a soft, smooth tannin structure.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Crisp and bright white wine made to enjoy on warm, sunny days. Crafted in the classic Northern Italian style. Grown in the cool climate of Monterey County, ideal conditions for this delicate grape, our Pinot Grigio is delightfully refreshing. The grapes are picked in the early morning and fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks at cool temperatures, bringing out top notes of apricots and tangerines, followed by flavors of pear, green apple and grapefruit with underlying mineral accents.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Pinot Noir 750ML

    A fruit-forward, lushly-textured Pinot Noir expressive of sunny days and cool Pacific nights. Grapes are harvested in early morning, crushed immediately and cold soaked for 48 hours, intensifying the color. This wine has an interesting story best told by our winemaker Corey Beck: “Our Diamond Collection Pinot Noir is sourced from a vineyard just east of the Santa Lucia Highlands in Monterey Country. This vineyard was originally planted with Merlot vines – however, after a few years of working with it, we realized its Bay-influenced cool temperatures and abundant afternoon sunshine created potential for producing great Pinot Noir. This inspired our first pre-plant contract with the grower in preparation for the wine’s introduction in 2001, well before the rise of Pinot Noir popularity. This long-standing relationship allows us to deliver exceptional Pinot Noir from a prime growing region.”

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Syrah-Shiraz 750ML

    An impeccably-sourced Syrah that combines ripe fruit flavors with classic overtones of white pepper and toasted oak. Two names for one grape: Syrah is the French term for the wine grape that is called Shiraz in Australia. Intense plum and clove aromas are the fragrant welcome from our Green Label Syrah-Shiraz. Made from grapes grown in Paso Robles and Monterey, this concentrated and complex wine has soft tannins, along with blackberry and boysenberry flavors layered with notes of smoky bacon, sweet vanilla and bittersweet chocolate.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Zinfandel 750ML

    Alluring, easy-drinking Zin with vivid California flavors of fruit and spice, made for everyday enjoyment. Peppery characteristic creates distinctive, complex flavor profile. Sourced from ‘old vines’ in Amador County and cooler vineyards in Paso Robles and Sonoma, our Zinfandel has exceptional depth and complexity. Petite Sirah is blended in to further enhance the luscious strawberry jam, cassis and briar flavors that follow its perfume of dark fruit, sweet spice and toasty vanilla.

  • Francis Coppola Director's Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Director’s Cabernet Sauvignon offers an enticing fragrance and flavors of plums, berries, cocoa and spices with lingering notes of vanilla toasted oak. Round and ripe with supple tannins. A long growing season because of chilly spring temperatures and heavy rains that delayed bud break. These conditions lightened our crop significantly, but having fewer clusters of fruit on each vine coupled with the extra hang-time that was needed to fully ripen the grapes resulted in intensely fragrant fruit with concentrated and pronounced flavors.
