  • Cupcake Prosecco 750ML

    Cupcake Prosecco is light and refreshing with a nose that shows hints of white peach, grapefruit and honey-dew melon. The fine effervescence gives way to creamy flavors of ripe lemons and refined citrus notes with a toasted brioche finish. Medium froth, our Prosecco is reminiscent of lemon meringue pie. Pairs well with gorgonzola crostini. and melon wrapped in prosciutto.

  • Cupcake Red Velvet 750ML

    Cupcake our first blended red wine for Cupcake Vineyards has over the top aromas of chocolate, deep rich blackberries, red fruits that follow through the palate to a creamy mocha finish that is unmistakable in its intensity and length, with a hint of coconut. It's reminiscent of a blackberry chocolate cupcake with a mocha coulis.

  • Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cupcake it's the long cool seasons in the South Island that allows our sauvignon blanc grapes to mature slowly, giving the wine levels of complexity and a vibrant zing. This Sauvignon Blanc is reminiscent of a lemon chiffon cupcake. It's made up of integrated flavors of Meyer lemons, Key limes and a finish that awakens the appetite There are hints of grapefruit, gooseberry and citrus, and comes together with a long, creamy finish. Serve chilled with oysters on a half shell or with a rich and succulent lobster risotto.

  • Cuvaison Chardonnay 750ML

    Cuvaison Chardonnay explores the mineral driven side of Chardonnay with taut green apple, white peach , lime zest and kiwi fruit. Hints of ginger and vanilla back the bright jasmine and orange blossom notes. What really drives the wine is the vibrant structure and terrific finish that carry flavors for a long, satisfying ride.

  • Cycles Gladiator Boneshaker Zinfandel 750ML

    Cycles Gladiator so what is this new bottle branded Boneshaker, With a ghoulish label from bold Gladiator Wines? The fruits of the labor of our restless winemaker Is this muscular Lodi Zin from century old vines. Fragrance and aromas of black cherry and leather arise Not heady but subtle, yet affording surprise At its balance of fruit and oak upon first taste With a finish structured and absent of haste. From the first cork pulled and first sip taken, Leaves vinous thirst slaked and bones thoroughly - SHAKEN

  • Cycles Gladiator Merlot 750ML

    Cycles Gladiator dark burgundy red in color, the Cycles Gladiator Merlot is classic and approachable with gorgeous fruit and rich aromas of dark plum, toasty oak and caramel. The flavors are layered and beautifully structured, with cassis, dark chocolate, plum and black cherry, which unfold in the mid-palate, fanning out to solid yet well-integrated tannins that allow the wine a lingering, silky finish. This wine shines with an array of foods. Try it with rich duck confit, braised chicken with honey and five-spice, spicy lamb kabobs or your favorite burger!

  • D.R. Stephens D.R. II Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    D.R. Stephens this Cabernet Sauvignon shows deep, expressive aromas of raspberry, mocha, cinnamon and hot stones. The wine hits the palate with a blast of rich fruit and well-integrated tannin, yet remains elegant and flavorful through the long, blossoming finish, ending with a splash of chocolate and black cherry.

  • d'Arenberg The Stump Jump Shiraz 750ML

    d'Arenberg the nose is chock-full of fresh blackberries, cherries and dark chocolate sprinkled with spices. The palate is fresh and juicy, ripe red fruits mix with plums, blackcurrant, flowers and a twist of black pepper. The tannins are fine with d'Arenberg's trademark earthiness helping keep this easy going wine in check.

  • Da Vinci Chianti DOCG 750ML

    Aromas of ripe plums, cherries and fresh red fruit accented by peppery notes. Well-balanced and medium-weight wine. An enjoyable wine to pair with pastas and lighter red meat dishes.

  • Da Vinci Pinot Grigio Delle Veneze 750ML

    Da Vinci Pinot Grigio is crafted from grapes grown in the Delle Venezie region's finest vineyards. This crisp Pinot Grigio is exceptionally well balanced with floral aromas, ripe apple and tropical fruit flavors, and a clean finish.

  • Dancing Bull Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    A favorite with grilled meats, our Cabernet Sauvignon has intense flavors of black currant, dark spices, milk chocolate and vanilla. We crafted this one in our signature Dancing Bull style, revealing bold notes of dark fruit, cloves, brown sugar and herbs. Rich fruit flavors have a starring role in this Cab, supported by an excellent structure and a satisfying texture. Try it with anything you can throw on a grill, including chicken and burgers.

  • Dancing Bull Merlot 750ML

    Drawing fruit primarily from the Central Coast and Sonoma County, this Merlot is crafted to be boldly styled, fitting equally well on the dinner table as at a backyard barbecue. Showing primarily black and red berry fruit flavors, the wine has a creamy mouth feel. Complements grilled vegetables, risotto or pizza.

  • Daniel Chotard Sancerre 750ML

    Daniel Chotard aged on the lees - brilliant pale yellow in colour - very pure nose reminiscent of citrus and white blossoms - refreshing and full-bodied on the palate - typical and elegant, well-balanced with good length - serve at approximately 10°C with saltwater and freshwater fish, seafood, white meats, and crottin de Chavignol goat's

  • Dark Horse Big Red Blend 750ML

    Darkhorse Big Red Blend showcases deep flavors of dark berry and black currant, supported by plush tannins, hints of dark roasted oak, and a long finish.

  • Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Darkhorse Cabernet Sauvignon showcases bold flavors of blackberry and black cherry, supported by firm tannins, brown spice and a dark chocolate espresso finish.

  • Dark Horse Chardonnay 750ML

    Rich flavors of baked apple and pear, layered with toasted oak notes of caramel and brown spice with a lingering, smooth finish

  • Dark Horse Merlot 750ML

    Robust flavors of jammy dark fruit layered with toasted oak, molasses and brown spice with a long, plush finish. This Merlot wine was carefully aged to develop dark fruit flavors and mocha aromas.

  • Darms Lane Bon Passe Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Darms Lane this is the fifth release of our 100% estate grown, hand crafted Cabernet Sauvignon. The vineyard is located in the southwestern bench lands of Napa Valley, in the Oak Knoll appellation. The vineyard is comprised of both hillsides and valley floor. Ideal growing conditions throughout much of the growing season enabled the fruit to ripen at a constant steady pace and develop intense flavors. By the time rains hit in mid October the grapes had full maturity allowing us to make wines that have vibrant color, good flavor with balanced acids and tannins.

  • Darms Lane Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    Darms Lane fresh with inviting notes of pear, melon and apple on the nose, the palate is smooth and marked with stone fruit, toasted almonds and hints of vanilla. Our Chardonnay is balanced with a mouthwatering caramel apple finish. Drink on its own or as an aperitif.

  • Darms Lane Russian River Pinot Noir 750ML

    Darms Lane vibrant, elegant and complex, our Pinot Noir packs a lot of layers raspberry, dark chocolate, bergamot tea and spices. The wine is full-bodied with fine tannins underlying a long finish. Enjoy on its own or with roasted poultry, grilled salmon or beef stews.

  • Dashe Cellars Les Enfants Terribles Grenache 750ML

    Dashe Cellars dark red color. On the nose, black raspberry, wild strawberry, white pepper, spice, minerals. Luscious and velvety mouthfeel, sweet red fruit of strawberry and raspberry with hints of black currents, floral, slightly grainy tannins, long, mineral and earthy finish.

  • Dashe Cellars McFadden Farms Dry Riesling 750ML

    Dashe Cellars 30 year old riesling vines, grown in the white, chalky soil of the McFadden Farm in Potter Valley, are tucked up against the cool hillsides of the east side of the valley-a perfect environment for this kind of grape.

  • Dashe Cellars Zinfandel 750ML

    Dashe Cellars color: Black-purple, with reddish hues. Aroma: Extremely aromatic lavender and violet notes, mixed with black raspberry and wild cherry fruit. Taste: Black raspberry and wild cherry, with darker notes of chocolate, coffee, and clove. An extremely balanced wine, with good acidity, soft and velvety texture, and a complex finish of wild cherry fruit, raspberry and peppery spice.

  • Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc brings the luscious, clean fruit characters of New Zealand's Wairau Valley into harmony with the flinty characters of the Awatere for a wine filled with melon, citrus and fresh tropical flavors and a richly structured palate. This lovely wine will complement a wide variety of food, and is especially vibrant alongside goat cheese and a fresh green salad.
