  • UV Sugar Crush 750ML

    We’ve got a crush on UV Sugar Crush. Made with all-natural flavors, this tropical fruit flavored candy vodka brings the candy shop to you. Try it with lemon-lime soda or create a fun candy cocktail from our recipes page.

  • Vesica Vodka 1L

    Vesica is a 3 times column distilled Potato vodka. 3 times filtered thorugh a revolutionary activated carbon process at first removing all impurities and then adding water for balance before finally going through a state-of-the-art cermaic candle process to give clarity to the vodka. 100% gluten-free as strictly distilled from potatoes; not a grain base for those with grain alergies (celiac disease)

  • Vikingfjord Vodka

    Crisp, cool and smooth, Vikingfjord Vodka is steeped in Norwegian tradition. Crafted from pristine glacial water and potatoes, the full body and silky taste of Vikingfjord is perfect over ice or in the finest vodka cocktails.

  • White River Apple Pie Moonshine 750ML

    Our take-off on Mom's apple pie comes with a kick! Mixed in a similar fashion to our cherry pie, we add real apples and natural spices at the beginning of the process. The resulting all-natural product is a one of a kind spirit that is sure to inspire.

  • White River Cherry Pie Moonshine 750ML

    What could be more American than cherry pie? Our take on this classic kicks things up a notch using only real fruit and natural spices. Nothing artificial in this smooth, flavorful libation that we know you'll enjoy with family and friends.

  • Whitetail Carmel Flavored Whiskey 750ML

    For those individuals who are unrestrained by convention, Whitetail Whiskey offers what is possibly the best tasting, easiest drinking alternative to the mainstream fare offered by the big corporations that dominate the whiskey business today. Because you buy and drink what you enjoy, not what sells the most.

  • Whitley Neill London Dry Gin 750ML

    Whitley Neill is an exceptional London Dry Gin made in England. Inspired by Africa, it contains two African botanicals specially selected to create a vibrant Gin with bold warm flavors perfect for bringing cocktails to life. Distilled from 100% grain spirit and only the purest water.

  • Wild Shot Reposado Mezcal 750ML

    This particular expression is the rested or "reposado" Wild Shot expression, meaning it will have aged for a few months in oak prior to bottling. This will give the normally clear tequila a light golden color and additional flavor. Wild Shot Mezcal is supported and released by county music star Toby Keith. It is made not with Blue Weber agave (which is used for tequila) but instead 100% Green Agave. And there is indeed a worm in the bottle, about which Keith says, "It's not there for the looks. It is there to be eaten. It is believed that the worm will bring wondrous experiences and every individual’s will be different."

  • Wild Turkey 101

    At first taste, 101 is rich with vanilla and caramel, with notes of honey, brown sugar, and a hint of tobacco. Its high proof contributes to its bolder flavor. Wild Turkey 101 is the benchmark in bourbon, best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. It’s also excellent in more sophisticated cocktails. “Wild Turkey 101 has an exceptionally gentle and rich aroma for a high-proof bourbon, thanks to quality at all stages of its production.”

  • Wild Turkey 81 Proof Whiskey

    The 81° is a traditional bourbon, handcrafted with old-fashioned methods, using the finest natural ingredients, including at least 51% corn, along with barley and rye. Jimmy Russell states that 81° is an unpretentious, yet finely crafted bourbon. It's ideal on the rocks in a smoky bar, and perfect for those who enjoy bourbon with a mixer. Wild Turkey 81° has a deep, but soft aroma with classic bourbon characteristics of sweetness and corn. The excellent bourbon taste balances traditional caramel and vanilla flavors.

  • Wild Turkey American Honey

    The nosing passes find distant scents of honey, baked bread, and corn meal. The palate entry is pleasingly balanced; at midpalate the flavor profile features integrated tastes of honey, spice and lemon zest. Finishes clean, balanced and very enjoyable.

  • Windsor Canadian Blended Whisky

    A connoisseur's whisky of incomparable quality. A supremely smooth whisky made with waters born in the clear, clean Canadian Rockies. Supremely smooth.

  • Wolfschmidt Vodka 1.75L

    Vodka made in the U.S. since 1847. The first vodka introduced to the USA around the turn of the century. Originally made in Latvia then Holland. It has won 37 medals in international competions.

  • Woodford Reserve Bourbon Whiskey 90.4

    Each sip of our Distiller’s Select craft bourbon contains over 200 congeners, natural color, aroma and flavor components. Enjoy the full experience. Appearance: Clean, brilliant honey amber. Nose: Heavy with rich dried fruit, hints of mint and oranges covered with a dusting of cocoa. Faint vanilla and tobacco spice. Taste: Rich, chewy, rounded and smooth, with complex citrus, cinnamon and cocoa, toffee, caramel, chocolate and spice notes abound. Finish: Silky smooth, almost creamy at first with a long, warm satisfying tail.

  • Woodford Reserve Double Oaked 750ML

    Woodford Reserve Color: Deep Amber Aroma: Rich notes of dark fruit, caramel, sharp honey, chocolate, marzipan and toasted oak Taste: A full-bodied mix of vanilla, dark caramel, hazelnut, apple, fruit and spices Finish: Long and creamy with lingering hints of honeyed apple.

  • X Rated Fusion 750ML

    A sensuous blend of ultra premium French vodka and rich blood orange, mingled with mango and passion fruit. Its versatile and mixable flavors are delicious served over ice or with a splash of soda, as a shooter, or in an exotic pink cocktail.

  • Yazi Ginger Vodka 750ML

    In a world overwhelmed by hundreds of vodka brands, Yazi® offers a unique taste (ginger) and distinctive positioning. Yazi® is for those who own the night. It’s sweet and spicy. It’s the taste of mischief, an elixir made from ancient aphrodisiacs – four different species of ginger – along with lemon, orange, cayenne and red pepper. Yazi® can be enjoyed on the rocks, with ginger ale or ginger beer, with tonic or in a variety of specialty drinks.

  • Yukon Jack 100 Proof Canadian Liqueur 750ML

    "The Black Sheep of Canadian Liquors", the 100 proof whiskey and honey based liquor possesses a bold yet unexpectedly smooth flavor. There is no spirit quite like Yukon Jack.

  • Yukon Jack Jacapple Blended Canadian Whiskey 750ML

    A blended whiskey with spice, apple and other natural flavors. Boldly flavorful yet surprisingly smooth, there is no spirit like Yukon Jack Jacapple.

  • Yukon Jack Wicked Hot Blended Canadian Whiskey 750ML

    A blended whiskey with hot cinnamon and other natural flavors. Boldly flavorful yet surprisingly smooth, there is no spirit like Yukon Jack Wicked Hot.

  • Zachariah Harris Bourbon

    Zackariah Harris is made in Kentucky where Bourbon is an art form and where generations respect the hard work and time honored traditions that make it America's most treasured spirit. Rich, smooth and delicious, Zackariah Harris is a classic Kentucky bourbon.

  • Zaya 12 YR Old Rum 750ML

    Zaya rums are blended, barrel aged and estate bottled in Guatemala. Estate produced using only the finest sugar cane and purest water, Zaya is double distilled in small copper pots to achieve greater complexity of flavors long recognized as the premier producer of the world's finest rums. The rums are made in very limited productions and crafted to bring an entirely new rum experience into existence. A truly refined and elegant experience for those who have the passion and expectation of only the very best. Twelve years of maturation in oak provides Zaya with exceptional depth and smoothness. Seductive nose is juicy, with ripe, fruity aromas of baked apple, baked pear, nutmeg, vanilla bean, cardamom and dried orange peel. Flavor is firm, bittersweet, focused and more maple-like than sugary. Ends moderately oily and keenly bittersweet. In that league of aged rums that begin to resemble brandies.
