  • Pimms No.1 Cup Liqueur 750ML

    "Pimm's No.1 a gin-based beverage that can be served both on ice or in cocktails. The recipe of Pimm's No.1 is secret; it has a dark tea colour with a reddish tint and tastes subtly of spice and citrus fruit."

  • Pinnacle Kiwi Strawberry Vodka

    Find a moment of summer freshness in our sweet, juicy kiwi and jammy strawberry vodka. Try it with lemon-lime soda or fruit punch to add a bright fruity twist.

  • Pinnacle Cake Vodka 750ML

    More Birthday Cake and fewer calories. We have a Vodka for that. Aroma: Bold, white frosting confection. Mixes well with club soda. Tasting notes: Baked vanilla and sweet buttercream.

  • Pinnacle Peach Vodka

    Pinnacle Peach Vodka is the Peach flavored expression from the long line of flavored vodkas from Pinnacle.

  • Pinnacle Tropical Punch Vodka 750ML

    Plan your getaway, even if for the evening. We have a Vodka for that. Has a balanced pineapple and bright cherry smell. Goes well with orange juice and has a punchy tropical blend taste.

  • Pinnacle Vodka 80

    This Pinnacle 80 Proof Vodka is a unique spirit with a smooth, balanced finish that will please any connoisseur. Pinnacle starts with the finest wheat grain from the Brie region of France and then is five-times distilled with spring water from the northern region of France.

  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka

    This delicate Whipped® vodka starts out smooth and goes down even smoother. Add a light whip of creamy vanilla to your favorite fruit juice or hot chocolate for a vodka drink dessert that won't spoil your dinner.

  • Platinum 7X Vodka

    The ultra-smooth vodka is in a chiseled blue bottle, Platinum 7X is everything a vodka should be. Distilled seven times, Platinum 7X Vodka makes a bold impression, delivering purity and smoothness at an attractive price. The Platinum 7X Vodka experience is one that easily rivals that of more expensive brands, and has earned The Beverage Testing Institute's "Highly Recommended" and "Best Buy" ratings.

  • Plymouth Gin 750ML

    Plymouth Gin has a great depth of flavour with deep earthy notes and a wonderfully fresh juniper and lemony bite. It has a slight sweetness with extraordinary concentration and complexity. No single botanical dominates the overall flavour. The finish is long and dry. Plymouth is ideal served with tonic over ice and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Alternatively savour its smooth taste in, amongst other wonderful cocktails, the Fraise Sauvage cocktail featured in the Detroit News newspaper - a more terrific variation of champagne with fresh strawberries! Colour - Crystal Clear. Nose - Rich, fresh aroma of juniper followed by notes of coriander and cardamom. Palate - Extremely smooth, creamy and full bodies with a slight sweetness. Finish - Elegant, long, fresh and aromatic.

  • Popov Vodka Blue 100

    Popov Vodka is affordable, competing with other low mid range-priced brands of vodka. The 40% alcohol by volume is the best-selling type of Popov Vodka. The 100 proof (50% alcohol by volume) is also popular. Popov Vodka is distilled from grain and filtered using charcoal. The end result is enjoyable and smooth vodka, which can be used for making mixed drinks or drunk straight up or on the rocks, as preferred.

  • Popov Vodka Red 80

    Popov Vodka is affordable, competing with other low mid range-priced brands of vodka. The 40% alcohol by volume is the best-selling type of Popov Vodka. Popov Vodka is distilled from grain and filtered using charcoal. The end result is enjoyable and smooth vodka, which can be used for making mixed drinks or drunk straight up or on the rocks, as preferred.

  • Presidente Brandy 750ML

    Clear amber colour and delicate fruity character; charismatic; to be consumed as a long drink with cola or soda. Presidente's new image focuses on the traditional solera process and 100% grape content to demonstrate its high quality.

  • Pyrat XO Reserve 750ML

    Pyrat XO Reserve is a select blend of fine Caribbean rums. It's smooth taste and delicious flavor is complimented by it's rich amber color. Pyrat XO Reserve is excellent over ice with a twist of lemon or as an ingredient in a premium rum drink.

  • Quality House London Dry Gin

    Quality House Gin

  • Quality House Vodka

    Quality House Vodka is charcoal filtered 70 proof.

  • Rancho Alegre Blanco Tequila

    Produced at the Campo Azul distillery, Rancho Alegre Blanco is an excellent value for a 100% agave tequila. Sweet aromas of dried fruit and nuts dominate. Medium bodied, starting out sweet, but becoming dryer with hints of tropical fruit. Finishes in classic tequila style with earth and white pepper. ABV: 40.0%

  • Rancho Alegre Reposado Tequila

    Golden straw in color, with sweet aromas of marzipan and licorice, Rancho Alegre Reposado is light bodied with dry earthy flavors. Finishes with an exciting peppery burst and lingering flavors of chocolate covered cherries and candied nuts.

  • Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 12 year old 750ML

    Redbreast Nose: A complex spicy and fruity aroma with toasted wood notes evident. Taste: Full flavoured and complex; a harmonious balance of spicy, creamy, fruity, sherry and toasted notes. Finish: Satisfyingly long, the complex flavours linger on the palate.

  • Rémy Martin V 750ML

    Remy Martin V is a 100% distilled grape spirit from the famous Cognac House of Remy Martin, but it is not a Cognac. It is not aged in wood, and as the result of the non-aging and the cold filtration process it undergoes, it is crystal clear in color. Launched in 2010, Remy Martin V, whose name is derived from eau-de-vie, is fresh, smooth, and clean with subtle hints of pear and fresh mint. It is best served in cocktails

  • Remy Martin V.S.O.P.

    The Colour: Vibrant gold. The Aromas and Flavours: Fine Champagne Cognac. Oak notes: Predominantly vanilla, with a hint of liquorice. Fruity notes: The roundness of summer fruits, especially ripe apricots and peaches. Floral notes: The impertinence of wild flowers, particularly violets. The Texture: Silky. The Finish: A perfectly balanced blend of ripeness. 55% Grande Champagne, 45% Petite Champagne

  • Remy Martin VS 750ML

    Golden amber colour; delicate aromas of sweet caramel and spice on the nose with oaky notes; caramel and spice flavours with a smooth, mellow finish.

  • Rich & Rare Canadian Whisky 80

    Rich taste and rare smoothness are what you’ll find in one of Canada’s oldest whisky brands. Pale amber color. Aromas of vanilla buttercream, praline, and delicate mocha follow through on a soft, brisk entry to a dryish light-to-medium body with a nice oily texture and a smooth, lightly peppery fade. A very pleasant mixing style.

  • Rich & Rare Reserve Canadian Whisky 80

    Brilliant orange in color, and citrus is the dominant flavor on the palate. It’s sweet but not cloying, with rich, sherried fruitiness to it — orange, plums, and grilled peaches. The finish is driven by the wood — caramel and cotton candy notes — but it goes out clean. While rye is obviously a component here, it’s not a dominant one: Spiciness is limited largely to the nose, where you get a touch of herbs, and a fleeting hint of it on the finish.

  • Rittenhouse Rye Whiskey 100 750ML

    Rittenhouse produced in the tradition of the classic Pennsylvania or "Monongahela" rye whiskeys, Rittenhouse is a much acclaimed rye now enjoying a comeback throughout the country as today's sophisticated American whiskey consumer re-discovers classic whiskey styles. Likewise, the brand is beloved by mixologists for its robust style and enjoys a renaissance as cocktails regain popularity.
