Castello Banfi Rosa Regale 750ML
Castello Banfi a soft red sparkling wine, made from Brachetto. This extremely aromatic, complexand historical grape variety grows only in the area of Acqui Terme, in Southern Piedmont. light ruby red. Lively pink mousse with a persistent perlage. Intense, aromatic, varietal with hints of Bulgarian rose. Soft and elegant with berry flavours and a touch of almond and nutmeg. This wine matches perfectly with fresh strawberries, fruit cakes, fruit salads, pastriesand chocolates. An ideal aperitif as well.
Castello del Poggio Moscato d'Asti 750ML
Castello del Poggio sweet but not at all cloying; well-balanced and with an extremely refined fruitiness. Excellent at the end of a meal with desserts or fruit (especially fruit salad). Also delicious with gelato, or just on its own as an accompaniment to conversation among friends.
Castello del Poggio Moscato Provincia di Pavia 750ML
Castello del Poggio Moscato is made from the muscat grape and originates from the Piedmont region of Italy. This wine, which means “Castle on a Hill,” is lightly sparkling, with lush notes of apricot and honey. On its own or paired with a dessert, the wine offers a sweet finish to any meal.
Chandon Blanc de Noirs 750ML
Chandon Blanc de Noirs is characteristically a delicate salmon color. Wild cherry, currants and strawberries dominate both aroma and flavor. These vibrant red fruit flavors linger across the palate and are balanced with lively acidity and a soft, lingering, creamy texture. Winemaker Tom Tiburzi suggests you try this versatile wine with everything from fruity to spicy to salty foods including Southwestern, Latin American, Mexican and Asian cuisine. Also pair this mostly Pinot Noir sparkler with the foods you would chose to eat with a varietal Pinot Noir such as roasted beets, mushrooms and salmon.
Chandon Brut Classic 375ML
Chandon classic balance typifies this refreshingly soft, yet dry wine. The wine delivers complex apple and pear characteristics accented by citrus spice over notes of almond and caramel in the bouquet. When you taste Brut Classic, look for nutty flavors with hints of brioche that build to a refreshingly dry finish.
Chandon Napa Valley Brut 750ML
Classic balance typifies this refreshingly soft, yet dry wine. The wine delivers complex apple and pear characteristics accented by citrus spice over notes of almond and caramel in the bouquet. When you taste Brut Classic, look for nutty flavors with hints of brioche that build to a refreshingly dry finish.
Chronic Spritz and Giggles 750ML
Chronic Aromas: Pears, Cut Apples, hints of fresh baked bread, light spices and floral notes Tastes: different citrus flavors along with apples and pears.
Cook's Brut California Champagne
Cook's California Champagne Brut is medium-dry with crisp fruit flavors. The aromas of apple and pear are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances.
Cook's Brut Grand Reserve California Champagne 750ML
A complex profile due in part to a special dosage of Brandy that emphasizes vanilla and toasty yeast. This blends with a pleasant fruit and mild floral character to provide a harmonious bouquet.
Cook's Extra Dry California Champagne 750ML
Semi-dry, with crisp fruit flavors, complexity, and a long, smooth finish. The aromas of apple and pear are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances.
Cook's Spumante 750ML
This Spumante is sweet, with fruit flavors, and a long, smooth finish. The aromas of peach and lychee are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances.
Crane Lake Brut Sparkling Wine 750ML
Toasty baked apples, lemon zest and pears dominate the palate of this quaffable sparkler from California. This wine pairs well with smoked salmon, stuffed mushrooms, Brie and Edamer cheeses. Also try this wine with crab, lobster or creamy pasta with shrimp.
Cupcake Moscato d'Asti DOCG 750ML
Cupcake our Moscato is vibrant and expressive with floral notes that dominate with hints of peach and flavors of tropical fruits and lychee. It is a soft and luscious wine with just a hint of effervescence to tickle the palate and balance the sweetness. With bright fruit flavors and finesse, it's reminiscent of a pineapple right-side up cupcake. Food Pairing Recommendations: Enjoy with mascarpone cheese or with any dessert such as fresh berries and cream or vanilla bean poached pears.
Cupcake Prosecco 750ML
Cupcake Prosecco is light and refreshing with a nose that shows hints of white peach, grapefruit and honey-dew melon. The fine effervescence gives way to creamy flavors of ripe lemons and refined citrus notes with a toasted brioche finish. Medium froth, our Prosecco is reminiscent of lemon meringue pie. Pairs well with gorgonzola crostini. and melon wrapped in prosciutto.
De Bortoli Emeri Pink Moscato 750ML
De Bortoli appearance: Pale translucent pink. Bouquet: Fresh fruit aromas with strawberry and musk. Palate: Velvety and full with a persistent bead and fresh finish. General Characteristics: Medium Sweet, Light Bodied. Suggested Cuisine: The perfect aperitif on it's own or enjoy with fresh fruits or seafood.
Dom Perignon Champaign 750ML
There's a sense of tension paired with grace in this deftly balanced version, with a rich and smoky vein of minerality underscoring the flavors of poached apple, honey, financier and sun-dried black cherry, showing hints of roasted almond, coffee liqueur..."
Domaine de la Chanteleuserie Fines Bulles 750ML
Domaine de la Chanteleuserie traditionnal method sparkling rosé made 100% from Cabernet Franc grapes that can easily find its place as a pre-dinner drink or with dessert.
Domaine Saint Vincent Brut 750ML
Domaine Saint Vincent Brut is a Methode Champenoise sparkling wine produced by the Gruet family in New Mexico. As the second label of Gruet, Domaine Saint Vincent Brut is surely one of the best values in domestic sparkling wines on the market. Domaine Saint Vincent Brut is a soft yellow-gold in color, crisp and lively, with a nose of apples, citrus and vanilla. Light/medium in body, it is dry with flavors of apples, lemons, flinty earth and bread dough. Well balanced and food-friendly, this sparkling wine offers a clean and refreshing finish.
Domaine Ste. Michelle Brut 750ML
Domaine Ste. Michelle Sparkling wine is a wonderful yet often overlooked accompaniment to food. Bright acidity and effervescence cleanses the palate, while the delicate flavors compliment a wide array of dishes. Cuvée Brut pairs very well with Japanese cuisine, my favorite is with sashimi. Sip with bagels and lox for a relaxing weekend brunch.
Elvio Tintero Moscato d'Asti 750ML
Elvio Tintero the resulting wine is delightfully fizzy and slightly sweet, an irresistible combination that makes it a universal favorite. Marco also maintains that same spirit in his other wines, which are all fresh, easy, and fun to drink with friends.
Enza Prosecco 750ML
Balance of acidity and sugar turn this wine into a delicate sparkling wine. The bouquet bursts with fruity scents of pear and green apples with a lightly floral and citrus note. In the mouth, this wine exhibits the same characteristics as in the bouquet.
Ferrari Brut 750ML
Straw yellow with slight green reflections in color. On the nose, fresh and lasting, with significant overtones of ripe golden apples, wild flowers and a subtle and delicate fragrance of yeast. Clean and balanced in taste, with a slight and pleasant finish of ripe fruit and a hint of bread-crust. A sparkling wine of pronounced finesse. Perfect served as an aperitif or with lighter dishes, especially seafood.
Ferrari Brut Rose 750ML
Ferrari appearance: Bright old rose. Bouquet: Elegant, with noteworthy finesse and the fresh fragrance of hawthorn blossom as well as hints of redcurrants and fraises des bois. Flavor: Dry, clean and refined, with a delicate background of sweet almonds and of aromatic musk; especially long on the finish.