Marilyn Wines Norma Jeane Merlot 750ML
Marilyn Wines softer tannins, lower alcohol, and fresh fruit flavors are essential for the wine's appreciation. This Norma Jeane wine is rich in color with dark berry flavors and ready to be enjoyed now.
Mark West Pinot Noir California 750ML
One of California's most widely recognized Pinot Noirs, the Mark West possesses generous flavors of cherries, red berries, dark fruit, and a hint of baking spices. The soft finish is silky smooth and gentle.
Markham Cellar 1879 Red Blend 750ML
Markham color: Deep Garnet Aroma: Violet, boysenberry, plum and tobacco aromas Taste: Graham cracker, vanilla and spicy fruit flavors are layered over a ripe, lush mouthfeel.
Markham Merlot Napa Valley 750ML
Attractive for its cherry and black raspberry flavors. There are subtle espresso and vanilla oak touches that come out on the finish. Markham is well known as a serious Napa Merlot producer that delivers exceptional quality at a very good price.
Marques de Caceres Crianza Rioja 750ML
Dark ruby red colour. Fresh notes of red berries on the nose enriched by a depth of vanilla and sweet spice. Clean and lively on tasting with ripe tannins that blend with balanced structure. Fleshy in the mouth with delicious flavour's this is a wine for pleasure .
Martin Codax Ergo Tempranillo Rioja 750ML
Martín Códax Rioja Ergo also made with Tempranillo, this wine walks the line between Old World restraint and New World fruit with its black cherry, mint, and chocolate aromas. Rich berry and cherry flavors have a gamey edge that will pair beautifully with steak, burgers, or lamb.
Martin Estate Bacchanal Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
Coffee, toffee, vanilla, plum, wet stone, black cherry, cedar, mint chocolate chip ice cream, fennel, maple sugar. Very sumptuous attack, good mid-palate density with black cherry, tobacco and plum. Very good persistence with cocoa and cherry in the finish
Mas Belles Eaux Les Coteaux 750ML
Mas Belles Eaux composed mostly of Syrah, the wine produces an explosion of red fruit (dark cherry), spice (pepper) and the wild herbs that are typical of the region. The very cosmopolitan Syrah is a grape variety with countless facets: depending on the terroir on which is it grown, the grape will reveal a number of very different expressions. In the terroir of Mas Belles Eaux, it adapts perfectly to the dense and deep red clay soils, and is also well suited to soils of silt, clay and sand.
Matchbook Syrah 750ML
Matchbook the fragrance of mocha, chocolate and wild dark berries waft from the glass with background hints of leather, earthy baking spices and toasted oak. Juicy flavors of blackberries and chocolate truffles are enhanced by subtle notes of cardamom, cinnamon, and cocoa powder. This wine has bold flavors that integrate seamlessly with velvety smooth tannins. This Matchbook Syrah is polished, yet intensely bold and will pair nicely with the strong flavors of lamb, venison or prime rib topped with a dollop of blue cheese.
Matchbook Tempranillo 750ML
Matchbook the Tempranillo and Graciano vines grown in our Matchbook Vineyard in the Dunnigan Hills are from cuttings imported from the Pesquera region of Spain. While the traditional earthy and spicy flavors are evident from the old-world varietals, the Matchbook Tempranillo shows its California upbringing in the layers of dark berry and cherry flavors and hint of vanilla from oak aging.
McManis Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
McManis deep crimson in color, this Cabernet Sauvignon from McManis Family Vineyards has pleasant aromas of blackberry, black cherry, black currant, cassis and a hint of tobacco leaf. Oak aging contributes a mild bouquet of mocha and toffee. Once in the mouth, the dark fruits flavors suggested by the nose are abundant in this rich and full wine. The succulence of the finish invites you to enjoy another mouthfu
McWilliams Hanwood Estate Shiraz 750ML
Vibrant red purple. Aroma Spicy black pepper and dark plums dominate the lively nose. Balanced levels of fresh chocolate and graphite oak provides complexity and lift. Palate A fleshy, fruit driven wine with fruit flavours of rhubarb and black plums coupled with varietal spice. The wine has a fine, long tannin finish with judicious but balanced oak adding balance and length.
Medlock Ames Bell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
Concentrated aromas of dark chocolate, vanilla, and black currant provide a welcome entry to this powerful Cabernet that shows notes of licorice, plum and a hint of slate and minerality on the palate. Lush, firm tannins round out the finish.
Medlock Ames Bell Mountain Merlot 750ML
Medlock Ames deep, dark, and brooding, this full-bodied and juicy Merlot perfumes the glass with aromas of ripe berries, earth, and forest floor. The rich, cocoa-like tannins are complemented by the dense, velvety texture and soft finish.
Meeker Handprint Merlot 750ML
Meeker there's a reason our Winemaker's Handprint Merlot is known nationwide - and there's a reason Merlot is the lead grape in some of the most expensive wines in the world. Merlot is a powerhouse, with fruit, tannin and complexity that stands up to your most muscular steak and risotto dinner or evening spent watching the stars come out. The beautiful package is no match for the gorgeous wine within - rich cherry fruit and big, intense tannins and flavor. This wine will stay bottle stable and age for at least a decade, or make a beautiful centerpiece to your Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas table. Big structure, a touch of oak, and every ounce of two years in barrel shine through with a full body and rich mouthfeel.
Melville Estate Pinot Noir 750ML
Melville deep ruby red in color with an opulent and complex nose of black tea, persimmon, chinese five-spice, and pumpkin pie. Fresh red and blue fruit components of plum duck sauce, raspberry reduction, and bing cherry weave seamlessly on the palate along with umami-like notes of, dashi, chanterelles, nori, and miso. The mouthfeel is plush and complete yet finishes with elegance and restraint.
Melville Verna's Estate Pinot Noir 750ML
Melville red fruit aromas of cherry, plum skin and red berry fruit mix with hints of red tea, cinnamon stick and tobacco. Pretty oral notes of cherry blossom and red rose mingle with earthy notes of underbrush, fern and sage. The palate has a plush and vibrant texture expanding this complexity leaving the mouth satiated and complete.
Menage A Trois Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
This Cabernet is a blend of grapes from three California growing regions: Sonoma, Lake and Napa counties. It has sweet, dark berry flavors and a jammy finish. Aged in French and American oak barrels, Menage ' Trois Cabernet Sauvignon is ideal for those seeking a fruity sipping red to have without food.
Menage A Trois Merlot 750ML
With its alluring aromas and lush flavors, Menage aTrois Merlot reminds you of what it's like to fall in love. Ripe blackberries and juicy black cherries flirt with smoky spices and sweet vanilla in a deliriously delicious way, wrapping you up in a silky-smooth embrace. It's the perfect wine to add a spark to date night, and it knows just how to romance a roast chicken or a cheeseburger.
Menage a Trois Pinot Noir 750ML
Menage ' Trois Pinot Noir is a full-bodied beauty made with grapes from a trio of premier California appellations: Clarksburg, Central Coast, and North Coast. Prepare to fall head-over-heels for its vibrant cherry flavors, dusky violet notes and silken finish.
Menage a Trois Red 750ML
Menage a Trois exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Forward, silky and soft, this delicious dalliance makes the perfect accompaniment for grilled meats or chicken.
Mercer Canyons Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
A warm vintage gave us ripe Cabernet Sauvignon with aromas of blueberry pie, vanilla and a hint of cassis. The voluminous fruit carries through in the mouth with ripe cherries, blueberries and warm spices. Ripe tannins contribute to a full, rich, round mouthfeel that leads into a lingering finish.
Merry Edwards Flax Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML
Merry Edwards this year's luscious offering enthusiastically displays its Pommard clonal heritage with a deep ruby color and rich, ripe, dark cherry aroma. Scents of licorice, wildflowers, sassafras and exotic cardamom add depth, expanding the wine's allure. Lively, forward fruit carries through on the palate, producing a Pinot that is bold and juicy with firm tannins and bright acidity. There is a subtle undercurrent of intensity building in this wine, as if it's just waiting to unleash its power.
Merry Edwards Klopp Ranch Pinot Noir 750ML
The character of this vintage seems a bit more exotic than usual, with allspice and juniper berries accenting a core of classic toasty, bramble-blackberry fruit. Cola, plum, bacon and cocoa add complex layers to the aroma. The palate is smooth and supple upon entry, becoming increasingly tarry and ripe with aeration. Tannins are bountiful but softly understated and lush leading to a stately, extended finish.