La Playa Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L
La Playa a rich maroon color. One the nose, ripe strawberry with hints of black pepper. It has great balance between structure and flavor with a light approachable palate.
La Posta Cocina Tinto 750ML
La Posta purple-colored, it offers notes of cedar, spice box, pencil lead, blueberry, and black cherry. On the palate gamy notes emerge to accompany the sweet fruit. Easy-drinking and seamless.
La Valentina Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Bellovedere 750ML
La Valentina Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Bellovedere is hugely impressive. The blackest, sweetest of cherries, licorice, melted road tar and spices are some of the notes that burst from the glass in this opulent, full-bodied wine. Despite the Bellovedere's sheer exuberance and glycerin, there is plenty of underlying minerality to give the wine its sense of energy, purity and vibrancy. This is an unquestionably full throttle style, but it all works beautifully. I especially like the way the wine continues to open up in the glass, seemingly turning more vibrant with air. Sweet spice and cloves flesh out on the generous, inviting finish. There is so much to like here.
Lail J. Daniel Cuvée 750ML
Lail is the perfect example of an unconventional vintage where quality of the vineyards and winemaking are key. The creamy introduction supports a ripe blackberry and dark plums bouquet. Dense, intense, and extremely refined blend of 100 % Cabernet, with aromas of mocha and licorice to conclude the mouth. Great structure and concentration coming from the fruit with present but integrated underlying oak. A definitive lay down wine.
Land Run American Bison Merlot 750ML
Land Run our American Bison Merlot is a dry wine with soft tannins and a velvety texture. Flavors of plums and red berries integrated in both American and French oak leads to a rich, smooth and lingering finish. Experience the wild when you taste our Bison Merlot! Pairing: Perfect paired with Hearty dishes like Meatloaf, Brautwurst, Lamb, Beef Stews, Salmon, Tuna, or Pizza. Also a great wine for salami, Summer Sausage, Gouda, Smoked Provolone, and crackers!
Las Rocas Garnacha 750ML
Las Rocas translates to "the rocks," and those rocks translate to extraordinary wines. Las Rocas Garnacha hails from Spain's Aragon region, where the air is dry and the terrain is unforgiving. Here Garnacha thrives, resulting in an award-winning concentration of color and flavor. Sage and tobacco notes frame the cherry and earth flavors in this broad red, which is harmonious, showing some depth. Light tannins and gentle acidity support the polished texture.
Las Rocas Spanish Red Blend 750ML
The bright red color of our Red Blend leads to ripe, jammy aromas and nuances of oak. These aromas extend to the palate, creating a bright, medium-bodied wine with a round, smooth finish.
Layer Cake Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
A blend of cabernet fruit from a number of eastern Napa hillside vineyards, this is classically structured cab with a modern edge.Its perfume is redolent of blackberries, violets, pencil lead and tobacco. The blackberry fruit continues on the palate.
Layer Cake Garnacha 750ML
Our Layer Cake Garnacha from Calatayud, Spain is rich and powerful, yet clean and balanced. Layered with aromas of ultra ripe black fruit. On the palate, the wine shows intense dark fruit with a background of rich dark chocolate and fresh ground coffee with a long creamy finish. The intensity of flavor from these ancient vines is beautifully offset by the great freshness from the high-altitude vineyards; the Layer Cake Garnacha is not to be overlooked.
Layer Cake Pinot Noir Central Coast 750ML
The Layer Cake Pinot Noir comes to life with aromas of savory herbs, licorice, mint, plums and black cherries. Layered flavors of dark berries, ripe plums and big juicy black cherries wrapped in a glycerol creamy mouthfeel. This is a big Pinot Noir and calls for smoky meats and rich fish…enjoy!
Layer Cake Primitivo 750ML
The Layer Cake Primitivo comes right at you with huge inky black fruit, spice and white pepper. Layered and rich in the mouth with jammy black cherries, truffles, espresso and a dense, creamy texture. Always in the background are hints of earth and minerals from the ancient sea beds that are the Puglia terroir. The Primitivo is always a go-to wine; it works with almost any food, and is great all by itself.
Layer Cake Primitivo a.k.a. Zinfandel 750ML
Layer Cake with lots of pepper, roasted herbs, meat juices...this spicy wine has an inky ruby/purple color and lots of body. It comes across like a rustic Zinfandel, but with loads of character and personality displaying an almost savage intensity to its flavors. This is a wild, adventuresome wine. Bring on the pizza!
Layer Cake Shiraz 750ML
Layer Cake the aromas of cocoa, warm spice and dark fruit are very powerful from the first whiff. In the mouth, the wine is layered with rich blackberry, dark cherries and hints of dark, creamy chocolate ganache. The finish lingers on, hanging on your palette while the fruit and spice flavors slowly change and fade. This vintage is classic Layer Cake Shiraz in all its glory.
Le Grand Noir Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
Our wine is a blend of grapes from Puicheric Jouarres-Homps, and the hilly vineyards of Caunes-Trausse. We deliberately limited the oak to allow the fruit flavours to shine.
Le Grand Noir Pinot Noir 750ML
First, we insist on grapes from cool grapeyards in Villalier-Malves. Second, we add just a touch of strawberryish Grenache from the hills of Caunes-Trausse. This adds complexity to the raspberry notes of the Pinot. And the result is an award-winning wine.
Leese Fitch Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
California- This Cabernet blend exudes deep blackberry notes with toffee, dark cherry, Dutch cocoa, tea leaf, and fig compote. On the finish, there are rich tannins, caramel oak notes, toasted coconut, and black raspberry with mouthwatering acidity
Leese Fitch Merlot 750ML
Leese Fitch with dark ruby color, this blend has aromas of blueberry cobbler, muddled basil, red raspberry, and cherry cola. In the mouth, there are flavors of black raspberry compote, cherries jubilee, tart plum, cedar, and a hint of red apple. The finish shows French oak notes of caramel and vanilla as well as blackberry and watermelon rind.
Leese Fitch Pinot Noir 750ML
Dark garnet in color, this California Pinot expresses ripe plum, cherry and a note of raspberry spice; medium bodied with pleasing flavors of red berries and sweet earth.
Legend of the Vine Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
The color is dark black cherry red with an almost clear halo. The nose is dark fruit and brewing coffee, with a little spearmint gum. This is a medium bodied Cabernet with some excellent length to the flavors. The tastes of blackberry, Nestles Quik powder and Starbucks Venti Mocha. The mid palate adds tart raspberry, black pepper and a subdued hit of Altoid’s spice. The oak is well integrated, the tannins are smooth and the acidity is balanced. The finish is full and long.
Liberty Creek Cabernet Sauvignon California 1.5L
The color all by itself is impressive–deep, rich, red-purple hues. You can expect subtle, delicious cherry flavors and notes of red fruit, with a hint of plum and spice, when you taste this wine. You’ll appreciate the length and mellowness of its finish, as well. Winery
Liberty Creek Pinot Noir California 1.5L
A sweet and fruity Pinot Noir is typically fruit driven with notes of raspberries, cherries, and strawberries. It carries delicate and light floral flavors with a feel of silk and also contains supple tannins. It is full-bodied, weighty and has hints of incense, sandalwood, and spice in the nose. It feels like satin or brushed cotton as you taste it and contains a moderate amount of tannins. Our Pinot Noir is medium-bodied with hints of red plum and cherries and notes of brown spice. It pairs perfectly with grilled salmon, spicy chicken and creamy pasta dishes.
Liberty Creek Sweet Red California 1.5L
Sweet Red is a blend of red wines that yield a fresh fruit forward taste. A brilliant wine type that captures the flavors and aromas of rich, ripe fruit. Typically characterized by sweet berry notes, it has a soft finish and refreshing mouth feel. Our Sweet Red is soft and sweet with layers of bright cherry and wild boysenberry flavors, and a silky smooth finish. Enjoy chilled. It pairs perfectly with everyday foods, such as burgers, pizza, spicy, chili and hot chicken wings.
Liberty School Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 750ML
The Cabernet Sauvignon opens with aromas of black cherry, plum and violets, followed by subtle flavors of strawberry and allspice. Firm yet supple tannins finish off this approachable fruit-driven Cabernet Sauvignon, making it ideal for a variety of food pairings.
Lindemans Bin 45 Cabernet Sauvignon
A medium to full bodied Cabernet Sauvignon that combines dark berry fruit and cassis flavours with hints of chocolate and mint. The finish is stylish, long and juicy with a gentle backbone of Cabernet tannins.A ruby red with a plum core. Cassis and bramble fruit aromas meld with dark fruit notes and subtle spicy oak.