Three Olives Jacked Apple 750ML
From the most innovative flavored vodka brand comes Three Olives Jacked Apple, an incredible blend of imported English vodka and the natural taste of red apples and cinnamon. The base of Three Olives Jacked Apple is handcrafted from the finest winter wheat harvested in England. The unmatched method of quadruple distillation and filtration remove natural impurities, yielding a vodka of exceptional purity and smoothness. Three Olives is vegan, nut free, lactose free, and developed to be gluten free. Packaging in a high-end frosted bottle with a vibrant green label, Three Olives® Jacked Apple™ is an amazing combination of imported English vodka with the sensation of red apples and cinnamon, bursting with flavor! Enjoy Three Olives Jacked Apple on the rocks, or in countless, easy-to-create cocktails.
UPC: 811538012263