
  • J. Lohr Cypress Merlot 750ML

    J. Lohr Cypress Vineyards Merlot presents a garnet red color of medium density with hues indicative of full maturation. Fruit aromas of cherry, raspberry and passionfruit are complemented by a bouquet of toasted oak and cocoa powder. A large portion of Malbec in the blend increases the fruit signature with a hibuscus character. The round texture and comfortable weight of this wine is followed by a sweet, mature finish. 2010 Cypress Vineyards Merlot would pair wonderfully with beef filets with a red wine sauce or barbecued ribs. This wine can be enjoyed in its youth or cellared up to five years.

  • J. Lohr Estates Falcon’s Perch Pinot Noir 750ML

    Falcon’s Perch Pinot Noir offers complex varietal aromas of cherry preserves, violets and dried herbs lifted by vanilla spice. Brushy red fruit on the palate finishes with talc and a touch of rhubarb pie. The fresh acidity invites a wide range of food pairings. Delicious with classic Southern shrimp gumbo, smoked salmon on savory crackers, or a ripened goat cheese coated with ash.

  • J. Lohr Estates Los Osos Merlot 750ML

    J. Lohr Estates Los Osos Merlot presents a mature red color with a raspberry hue. Red fruit aromas of plum and pomegranate are integrated with a barrel signature of dark chocolate and baking spice. Whole berry fermentation with a generous use of Malbec as a blender accentuates the brighter fruit tones of Merlot and leaves ripe, soft tannins on the palate. An excellent pairing for cheese tortellini or herb-roasted chicken.

  • J. Lohr Estates Riverstone Chardonnay 750ML

    This expressive Riverstone Chardonnay has light golden hues with a tint of youthful green. Aromas of ripe comice pear, melon, meyer lemon and brioche coalesce with notes of roasted hazelnut, flint, spice and toasty oak. Flavors of pom fruits, mineral and sabayon end with a lingering toasty oak finish. Barrel fermentation with sur-lie aging adds layers of creamy palate weight, depth and aromatic complexity. The Arroyo Seco’s cool climate and long growing season help maintain a natural acidity that brings this wine’s rich palate into balance. Tangerine-roasted chicken, frisée salad with lardons and poached egg, smoked salmon, vegetable frittatas, pan roasted pheasant with creamy polenta

  • J. Lohr Estates Seven Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    J. Lohr Seven Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon is red-purple in color with a bright hue at release. Ripe fruit aromas of black plum, blueberry and cherry mix with a bouquet of toasted pastry, anise, and vanilla from a year of barrel aging. Mature and round on the palate, the cool vintage has a high toned fruit signature and soft finish. Food Pairings: This wine is an excellent companion to grilled beef, Italian sausage lasagna or dark chocolate truffles.

  • J. Roget Brut Champagne

    This champagne is a light straw color with pleasant fruit and a mild floral character. The aromas of apple and pear are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances.

  • J. Roget Extra Dry Champagne

    This champagne is a light straw color with pleasant fruit and a mild floral character. The aromas of apple and pear are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances.

  • J. Roget Spumante

    J. Roget Spumante is a straw color and a forward fruit flavor and mild floral character. The aromas are balanced with a bouquet of toasty yeast notes and floral nuances. This Spumante is sweet, with outstanding fruit flavors, and a long, smooth finish.

  • J.P. Wiser's Deluxe Canadian Whisky

    This full-flavoured canadian whisky offers a rich aroma with a body that is complex and perfectly balanced. It is an exceptional blend of oak, toasted grains and rich toffee, with a finish that is smooth and enduring. Rich amber. Full, rich fragrance of dried fruits, caramel and vanilla. An exceptional blend of oak, toasted grains and rich toffee. Full, warm and enduring, smooth finish.

  • Jack Daniel's Master Distiller Series No. 1 750ML

    Jack Daniel's we've had only seven men oversee the making of our whiskey. The first in this series honors our very first Master Distiller, Mr. Jack himself.

  • Jack Daniels Black Jack Cola 6PK 10oz

    Enjoy the classic taste of Jack Daniels' whiskey mixed with sweet Cola and just a touch of delicious, refreshing lemon-lime flavor. A portable, convenient way to enjoy one of America's favorite flavor combinations.

  • Jack Daniels Downhome Punch 6PK 10oz

    Downhome Punch is a masterful flavor combination of classic Jack Daniels with a sweet and sour punch. The sweet tastes of peach, cherry, and orange are blended together to create a tasty beverage worthy of Southern hospitality.

  • Jack Daniels Lynchburg Lemonade 6PK 12oz

    The sour yet refreshingly sweet taste of lemonade mixed with classic Jack Daniels is a tasty treat sure to satisfy your taste buds during the hot summer months. This sweet and sour staple is bound for the picnic cooler.

  • Jack Daniels Old NO. 7 Black

    We do things a little differently around here – and that’s what gives Jack Daniel’s its distinctive character. We charcoal mellow our whiskey drop by drop, then let it age in our own handcrafted barrels. And we don’t follow a calendar. Our Tennessee Sippin’ Whiskey is ready only when our tasters say it is. We use our senses, just like Jack Daniel himself did. In fact, more than a century later, our Tennessee Whiskey is still judged the same way. By the way it looks. By the way it smells. And, of course, by the way it tastes. 

  • Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey

    Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is a blend of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and a unique honey liqueur of our own making, for a taste that’s one-of-a-kind and unmistakably Jack. With hints of honey and a finish that’s naturally smooth, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is something special.

  • Jack Daniels Watermelon Punch 6PK 10oz

    Watermelon, a classic summertime favorite, meets the flavor of Jack Daniels whiskey in this sweet, refreshing beverage. Without all the seeds, this fruity blend combines melon liqueur and grenadine with smooth, classic whiskey.

  • Jacob's Creek Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    "Medium depth red with crimson edge. A strongly varietal nose, displaying lifted cassis fruit flavors and leafy accents, supported by subtle cedar and spice notes. A full-bodied palate with rich blackcurrant, plum and dark berry fruit flavors, balanced acidity and smoothly structured tannins leading to an elegant and persistent finish."

  • Jacob's Creek Cabernet-Merlot 750ML

    The color vibrant crimson red. The bouquet: A very attractive nose displaying dark chocolate, mint and dark berry fruit aromas, allied to toasty oak. An attractive full bodied wine showing powerful rich berry and mint flavors with spicy characters, on a backbone of soft velvety tannins, with a generousbalance of oak and finish of good persistence. A wine that shows excellent integration of fruit, oak and tannins that can be enjoyed now or cellared for future rewards.

  • Jacob's Creek Chardonnay 750ML

    Pale straw with attractive green hues. Bouquet: Refreshing lemon citrus intermingled with some white peach and delicate floral aromas. Palate: Generous zesty lemon and citrus fruit flavours, enhanced with creamy characters. A light refreshing palate with a clean soft finish. Serving suggestion: Serve chilled. Enjoy with oysters with lemon, or deep fried whitebait with aioli.

  • Jacob's Creek Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Crisp, light-bodied and refreshing, with aromas of honey, pear and lemon citrus.

  • Jacob's Creek Red Blend 750ML

    "Translucent purple plum color. This red is a blend of 66% Shiraz, 18% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Grenache, and 4% Petite Verdot. Light wood spice with a hint of mint lead to candied red fruit aromas. This wine seems sweet in the mouth, with a medium-grained earthy/chocolate texture."

  • Jacob's Creel Classic Shiraz 750ML

    Vibrant yet silky with spicy plum and blackberries leading to a long, satisfying finish. Spicy blackberry fruit, with hints of dark chocolate and toasty oak. Enjoy on its own or with roast leg of lamb or hard cheeses such as Cheddar.

  • Jagermeister Liqueur

    Jagermeister 56 herbs, roots and fruits are brought together from all across the globe. Cinnamon from Ceylon, bitter oranges from Australia, ginger root from South Asia, red sandalwood from East India, blueberries from Europe, plus one or two secrets.

  • Jagermeister Spiced Herbal Liqueur 750ML

    Jägermeister has launched its first-ever U.S. product extension with Jägermeister Spice. The new liqueur combines vanilla, cinnamon and other spices with premium ingredients found in the original secret Jägermeister recipe. Jägermeister Spice is recommended neat or as a shot. 50 proof