
  • Hoffman 401k Chardonnay 750ML

    Expect a nose of peach and orange blossom over stone fruit and lemon zest, with a hint of vanilla. Fruit carries with layers of tangerine, toasted vanilla and tropical fruits. The palate is generally light with high acid and low oak influence. Long, fruit driven finish with a nice dollop of mineral. Excellent with seafood, clam chowder, light chicken and vegetable dishes, and light pastas.

  • Hogue Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Eastern Washington’s warm days and cool nights provide the perfect conditions for producing Cabernet Sauvignon that is rich and complex, with excellent structure. Our vintage has big, bold flavors of dark plum, rich cassis and currant, with a touch of cinnamon, vanilla and persimmon. The wine is soft and smooth on the palate, and the well-integrated oak adds a pleasing spice note. Pair with bold beef dishes—teriyaki flank steak or marinated tri-tip roast with rosemary, garlic and mushrooms.

  • Hogue Genesis Meritage 750ML

    Hogue the Genesis Meritage offers aromas of brambly blackberry and fig, with earthy nutmeg spice and vanilla. It's velvety smooth on the palate, with fresh blueberry, huckleberry and zesty spice wrapped around earth notes and cassis. The finish is long. Pair with prime rib, grilled pork loin, or lamb roast with garlic-herb crust.

  • Hogue Late Harvest Riesling 750ML

    At that level of ripeness, the wine develops its trademark tangerine/apricot flavor. Zesty aromas of orange, lemon-lime, and peach are followed by flavors of tangerine, apricot, and a trace of mineral. Serve alongside poached pears, cheesecake, or a cheese platter of Stilton, smoked Gouda, and fresh goat cheese. It’s also excellent as an aperitif.

  • Honig Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This Cabernet is medium-bodied, with aromas and flavors of red cherry, and plum, alongside anise, black tea, vanilla, white pepper and dried herbs. The finish has the perfect balance of bright fruit, elegantly proportioned tannins, and a hint of cocoa powder.

  • Honig Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    A pale straw wine with medium-body, full acidity, and straightforward fruit flavors. Mildly oaked, showing herbs and citrus on the palate. Nice aromas and a balanced succulent mouth feel making this a great wine for a family gathering.

  • Hopler Blaufrankisch 375ML

    Hopler color: Garnet ruby. Nose: With aromas of elegant cherry fruit and tangy blood orange characters. Palate: Flavors of juicy blackberries and currents, balanced with nice acidity and soft tannins. Food pairing: Very well suited for a variety of dishes, but just perfect with BBQ.

  • Hourglass Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Hourglass delivered classic Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon characteristics. Dark earth, spicy mint, licorice, and cassis intermingle with toasted espresso and juicy pomegranate for a fruity, spicy aromatic perfume. A hint of mint from the eucalyptus trees flanking the vineyard is just subtle enough to lend an intriguing accent. On the palate, notes of cassis and pomegranate provide depth and lift on a structure of tightly integrated tannins and brilliant natural acidity, a hallmark of Hourglass wines. Seamless integration from start to finish is a function of the wine's polished, well-knit tannins and superbly balanced layering.

  • Hpnotiq Liqueur

    Bottled in France, hpnotiq is an exquisite blend of premium vodka, natural tropical fruit juices and a hint of Cognac which combine to produce its signature frosted blue color. Its light, refreshing taste and limitless mixability constitute Hpnotiq as one of the most versatile and unique liquors on the market today. From the Sundance Film Festival to Las Vegas nightlife to New York Fashion Week, Hpnotiq is seen and tasted at the hottest spots across the nation.

  • If You See Kay Red 750ML

    If You See Kay Kay smells amazing; she's soft, creamy, juicy, rich, and powerful all at the same time. A dark and brooding wine, hints of imminent danger, ripe with confidence and purpose; on a mission. She's more than a mouthful, but never wasteful - like handfuls of juicy ripe blackberries dripping from your hands, so perfectly ripe that you have to go back again and again for another taste.

  • Inama Carmenere Piu 750ML

    Inama vivid ruby core with a narrow purple rim. Pronounced nose with black cherry, damson, soy, cocoa and Parma violet. Elegant front-palate with fresh acidity, firm, integrated tannins and medium+ length. Vivid ruby core with a narrow purple rim. Pronounced nose with black cherry, damson, soy, cocoa and Parma violet. Elegant front-palate with fresh acidity, firm, integrated tannins and medium+ length. At its best with local salami (sopressa, sopressa with garlic and Val Liona DOP ham) and grilled pork.

  • Inniskillin Vidal Icewine 375ML

    Inniskillin intense aromatics of mango, apricot and honey beautifully integrated with flavous of peach and candied brown sugar. This wine is all held together by crisp bold acidity. FOOD PAIRINGS; Blue veined cheese with dried fruit or fresh peaches or pears; roasted chicken with grilled peaches; fresh papaya and lime salsa with grilled white fish; traditional peach pie.

  • Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato 750ML

    Innocent Bystander's pale pink serve of Moscato is a refreshing sipper, offering delicious aromas of pink grapefruit, mandarin, cotton candy and toffee apples. On the off-dry palate, rhubarb crumble, toffee apple and sherbet ice cream characters are lifted by a fresh acid zing and a gentle mouth-tingling fizz. The classy bottle flaunts a crown seal to maintain absolute freshness and a lively spritz. Enjoy immediately (chilled down) or cellar up to twelve months.

  • Irony Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Irony Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon opens with aromas of blackberry, currant and black licorice with a hint of peppermint, sage and savory dried herbs. This full-bodied wine delivers dark berry flavors, mixed with layers of vanilla, cocoa, chocolate and a touch of earthiness. Lush fruit and balanced, lengthy tannins make this wine the perfect match for hearty beef stew, grilled New York strip or even chocolate cake.

  • Irony Chardonnay 750ML

    A distinct and subtle Chardonnay, in a medium full style. It is dry, smoothly textured, well balanced, and quite long on the palate, with a lingering finish. Its flavors are complex and restrained, reminiscent of peach, pear and apple, with overtones of vanilla, toast and spicy oak.

  • Irony Pinot Noir Monterey 750ML

    Irony Monterey Pinot Noir leads with red cherry, ripe strawberry and vanilla aromas, heightened by an earthy undercurrent of sage. Bright red cherry flavors are layered with strawberry jam and accents of rhubarb and red licorice. The lush, supple tannins found in this medium-bodied Pinot Noir are beautifully balanced with fresh, crisp acidity. Enjoy with lamb stew, flatbread with prosciutto, pecorino and arugula, cheeses or grilled salmon.

  • Isabel Mondavi Chardonnay 750ML

    Isabel Mondavi displays a light golden hue in the glass with delicate aromas of pear, apple, vanilla, and honey. In the mouth, the wine is medium bodied and nicely balanced, with acidity and a toasty mid-palate in harmony with fresh fruit flavors. The wine finishes gracefully and invites you back for more.

  • Ivanabitch Watermelon Vodka 750ML

    A juicy combination of luscious watermelon and the sparkling taste of Ivanabitch Vodka ignite your taste buds. No matter how you slice this refreshing flavor, it will make your summer last all year long.

  • J & B Rare Blended Scotch

    Each time you sip J&B Rare, 42 different whiskies pass you lips. They are carefully blended together to create a subtle, smpoth and complex flavour. The delicate balance is what gives J&B Rare its distinctive character. If we took even one whisky away you would taste the difference. The heart of J&B Rare is formed by Speyside Malt Whiskies. They provide the fruity,fresh quality you can taste, and give J&B its light colour. Speyside is recognised as the superior area in Scotland for making malts.

  • J A Calvo Casajus Antiguos Vinedos 750ML

    A Calvo Casajus almost purple color. Fresh bouquet of wild strawberry, raspberry, and crushed stones leading into the medium bodied palate that starts light but opens nicely with a sublime flavors after decanting. Long, soft, spicy finish.

  • J Vineyards & Winery Cuvée 20 Brut 750ML

    J Vineyards & Winery all of the grapes for this cuvée (blend) were hand-harvested into small quarter-ton bins and placed as whole clusters, without destemming, into our special Coquard presses for a gentle pressing cycle. Juice from the various vineyard lots was fermented and kept separately until blending in mid-November. The cuvée was assembled and cold-stabilized to remove excess tartrates and then bottled in the spring. The cuvée included 30% oak-cask aged wines that were carefully selected for this blend. After the secondary fermentation occurred in the bottle, the wines aged for three more years in our cool cellar. The wines were carefully riddled to remove the yeast sediment. Following disgorging, a dosage liqueur of reserve wine and pure cane sugar was added to the wine. An additional six months of aging on the cork before release ensured a perfect balance of flavors.

  • J. Christopher Willamette Valley Pinot Noir 750ML

    J. Christopher the Willamette Valley Pinot Noir is the flagship J. Christopher wine. This is blended from excellent vineyards in four of the Willamette Valley's AVAs: Dundee Hills, Chehalem Mountains, Yamhill-Carlton and Eola-Amity Hills. Made with native fermentations and up to 18 months of barrel time, this is classic Oregon Pinot Noir. Appellation: Dundee Hills, Chehalem Mountains, Yamhill-Carlton and Eola Hills

  • J. Lohr Carol’s Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Carol’s Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon offers concentrated black fruit, violet and hazelnut aromas followed by a rich and balanced palate structure. A touch of coconut and lengthy blue fruit finish. Excellent with grilled rib-eye steak with rosemary and shallots, or a roasted pork loin with porcini mushrooms and fennel.