
  • Far Niente Estate Bottled Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley Oakville 750ML

    Far Niente aromas of tobacco leaf, dark cherry, and a whisper of floral perfume. A silky entry leads to a juicy midpalate of red fruit and earth. Fine tannins carry a light briar note, lingering on an elegant finish.

  • Far Niente Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    Far Niente Chardonnay is a blend of superlative Napa Valley vineyards, many of which are located in a little-known area called Coombsville, a cool growing region nestled in the rolling countryside and protected by the hills east of the city of Napa. Coombsville offers the characteristic climate of Carneros, with less wind, along with deeper, well-drained gravelly loam and volcanic ash soils. The combination of these spectacular vineyards results in the subtle, tropical flavors, complex aromas and uncommon richness that we have long associated with Far Niente Chardonnay

  • Faust Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Faust the wine, celebrates a legend which has inspired many great minds, among them the German poet Goethe, from whose masterpiece we draw our inspiration. In Goethe's most famous work, the aging scholar Dr. Faust barters his soul in the afterlife in exchange for another chance at youth. He gets his chance, yet ultimately his soul is saved by love. Faust is indeed the fruit of renewed passion for Agustin Huneeus, though Mephistopheles has not yet appeared to claim his soul. The underlying premise for all of the wines he has ever produced has been that great wines must be a reflection of a great vineyard. Faust is not. Instead, Faust is a tribute to Napa Valley's noblest grape - full-bodied, decadently rich and unctuous Cabernet Sauvignon.

  • Ferghettina Brut Milledi 750ML

    Ferghettina straw yellow color with golden and green reflections. The perlage is fine and persistent. In the mouth the wine has elegant notes of citrus and minerals.

  • Fernlands Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    This is a great wine and food pairing for a quiet evening at home or entertaining friends. This Sauv Blanc paired with the bold cheeses in the mac 'n cheese dish is a perfect balance and complement of flavors. We served this wine slightly chilled to bring out hints of grapefruit, peach, and an assortment of tropical fruits. On first taste, the tropical fruits are light and sweet without being too sweet. It gives you the sense of being on a tropical island. The acidity from the grapefruit is a nice balance on the palette leaving your mouth begging for another sip.

  • Ferrari Brut 750ML

    Straw yellow with slight green reflections in color. On the nose, fresh and lasting, with significant overtones of ripe golden apples, wild flowers and a subtle and delicate fragrance of yeast. Clean and balanced in taste, with a slight and pleasant finish of ripe fruit and a hint of bread-crust. A sparkling wine of pronounced finesse. Perfect served as an aperitif or with lighter dishes, especially seafood.

  • Ferrari Brut Rose 750ML

    Ferrari appearance: Bright old rose. Bouquet: Elegant, with noteworthy finesse and the fresh fragrance of hawthorn blossom as well as hints of redcurrants and fraises des bois. Flavor: Dry, clean and refined, with a delicate background of sweet almonds and of aromatic musk; especially long on the finish.

  • Ferrari-Carano Chardonnay 750ML

    Ferrari-Carano Chardonnay from Sonoma County has superior lots of wine from our vineyards in Alexander Valley, Russian River Valley, Carneros and Dry Creek Valley. This full-bodied Chardonnay boasts aromas of baked apple, marshmallow, pear, citrus and a hint of graham cracker, perfectly balanced by flavors of Fuji apple, lemon, vanilla and lingering, creamy toasted oak notes. Food Pairings: This versatile, full-bodied Chardonnay pairs perfectly with seafood, poultry, white meats and dishes with cream sauces. Try preparations that include citrus, butter, cream, cheese, bacon, nutmeg, thyme, basil or toasted nuts.

  • Ferrari-Carano Fume Blanc 750ML

    Fumé Blanc has delicious aromas of white peach, orange blossom, pear, quince, Meyer lemon and mango complemented by peach, grapefruit, pear and lemon flavors. This wine has bright acidity and crisp freshness from the cool, stainless steel tank fermentation, while the subtle oak character from barrel aging adds, body, complexity and depth. Our Fumé Blanc pairs well with simple seafood and poultry dishes, and also holds up nicely with white meats such as veal and pork. The wine has lively flavors that go well with spicy and ethnic cuisines such as Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Korean, Mexican and Southwestern dishes.

  • Ferrari-Carano Merlot 750ML

    Select lots of grapes are chosen from our vineyards in Sonoma County to create this beautifully-balanced and full-bodied 2011 Ferrari-Carano Merlot. This is a velvety wine with a complex nose of blueberry pie, raspberry jam, cedar, vanilla and spice. A fleshy and generous mouthfeel is followed by notes of bittersweet chocolate, clove and toffee. This wine has full, generous tannins that coat the palate, impressive length and lasting acidity. Perfect Pairings: The fruit forward, easy drinking qualities of our Merlot make it the perfect wine to pair with any red meat course, Italian entrées, and roasted or grilled fragrantly-spiced poultry dishes.

  • Ferrari-Carano Siena Red Wine 750ML

    SIENA has delicious aromas and flavors of fresh-picked blackberries, cola, cinnamon, cherry pie and vanilla bean. Sweet oak notes of spice, roasted marshmallow, caramel and vanilla complement lingering, bright red and black berries. SIENA has tannins that are soft, harmonious and mouth coating with lovely viscosity, depth and a tremendous finish.

  • Ferrari-Carano Tresor Reserve Red 750ML

    Ferrari-Carano presents its finest blend of the five classic Bordeaux varietals – Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, and Petit Verdot – from the best selections of our vineyards in Alexander Valley. Aptly named “Trésor” for “treasure,” the grapes are hand harvested from dry-farmed, low yielding vines primarily on our mountain vineyards. Delicious aromas of ripe blackberry andcurrant from the Cabernet Sauvignon pair with the provocative notes of boysenberry and cherry cobbler from the Petit Verdotand Cabernet Franc.With a full bodied andrichly-textured tannin profile, this blend exudes aconcentrated palate ofintense red and black berries,cinnamon, chocolate, espresso, and vanilla.Upfront silkiness androundness make for a delicious wine now andwill drink well for 7-10 years.

  • Fess Parker Chardonnay Santa Barbara 750ML

    Chardonnay Santa Barbara County has beautiful crisp pineapple, white peach and citrus-styled aromas and flavors to go with a medium-bodied, racy, and lively style on the palate. Coming mostly from Rodney-s Vineyard, yet also from Los Alamos, Sierra Madre, Camp 4 and Rancho Esperanza, this beauty was 100% barrel-fermented and aged 30% in new French and Hungarian oak. Enjoy it over the coming couple of years.

  • Fess Parker Pinot Noir Santa Barbara 750ML

    A dark ruby garnet color and aromas of cherry, raspberry, black tea, baking spices and vanilla, all set the stage for this elegant wine. Black cherry, ripe raspberry, nutmeg and wet stone with well integrated oak are highlighted by the hallmark acidity found in fruit from this cold climate vineyard.

  • Fess Parker, Parker Station Pinot Noir 750ML

    On the nose, aromas of cherry, strawberry, earth, forest floor, cinnamon and vanilla can be detected. This Pinot Noir has a lively acidity and combines flavors of bright cherry, cranberry, strawberry fruit and vanilla on the palate.

  • Fetzer Crimson Red Blend 750ML

    Fetzer Crimson balances the best of Syrah, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Sirah into a pronounced oak profile with toasty aromatic components

  • Fetzer Gewurztraminer 750ML

    Passion fruit along with tangerine, mango and aromas of honey and orange spice join with pineapple, baked pears and hints of cinnamon. This wine can be zesty, and flavors of clove, orange and caramelized apples are evident.

  • Fetzer Goosefoot Road Riesling 750ML

    Fetzer Riesling is delicate, yet full of fruit forward flavors and aromas. There are aromas of dried fruit, lemon, lavender, jasmine and rose petal. In the mouth, the crisp acidity balances this well structured wine with flavors of peaches, pineapple and pear that lead to a smooth rich, mellow finish.

  • Fetzer Pinot Noir 1.5L

    This Pinot Noir is surprisingly smooth with a dark rich color and welcome collection of flavors. On the nose you will be greeted with aromas of pomegranate. Tasting delivers a smooth mouth-feel and layers of rich, ripe cherries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries with just a touch of oak.

  • Fetzer Valley Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon

    This wine is sourced from some of our finest Cabernet vineyards in Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties. Bright cherry and currant aromas are echoed in the elegant flavors, that are accented by vanilla, cedar and anise notes. A mouth-filling wine, this Cabernet is amazingly soft and drinkable. Grilled or sauteed steaks with peppercorns and hearty stews fare well with this lush, young wine. Great with cheeses as well!

  • Feudo Arancio Stemmari Grillo 750ML

    Color: Deep straw yellow Bouquet: An aroma distinctly tropical with notes of mango and papaya, that blends with inklings of jasmine and white flowers.Flavor: Balanced and harmonious with a delicate acidity.

  • Feudo Arancio Stemmari Nero d'Avola 750ML

    Color: Deep ruby-red with pleasant reflections of violet.Bouquet: Intense and covered, notes of currant stick out, wild strawberries, and pomegranate.Flavor: Soft and velvety. Distinct characteristics of fruitiness come forth.

  • Feudo Arancio Stemmari Pinot Grigio 750ML

    100% Chardonnay.Color: Straw yellow with golden highlights.Bouquet: Tropical notes of pineapple and apricot with hints of vanilla and sweet spice.Flavor: Intermediately tart, possessing good viscosity, manifesting a pleasurable minerality and freshness.

  • Fifty Shades of Grey Red Satin 750ML

    Is a decadent red blend of Petite Sirah and Syrah with flavors of black cherry, cocoa powder, creamy caramel and vanilla, Red Satin leather and clove spice. Aged in a combination of new and neutral French oak barrels, this red blend is the perfect indulgence.