
  • Cline Cashmere Red 750ML

    Cashmere is a very flavorful, smooth wine offering big cherry, raspberry and chocolate notes with hints of cracked black pepper and plum.

  • Cline Syrah California 750ML

    This wine is the epitome of savory. Fresh cracked black pepper aromas complement the black cherry fruitiness.

  • Cline Viognier California 750ML

    The crisp lemon and grapefruit flavors are juicy and tart, with a light body, accented by spice and floral notes.

  • Cline Zinfandel California 750ML

    Showcases a wide array of dark berry fruit including black cherry and strawberry. Additionally, spice notes and a lasting finish of vanilla from oak aging and firm, supple tannins add complexity to this wine."

  • Clos de la Briderie Touraine Mesland Rouge 750ML

    A blend of 40% Malbec, 30% Gamay, 30% Cab Franc. This wonderful biodynamic wine comes from a variety of clayey limestone and flint. the vines are 20 to 40 years old. The wine displays a delighful elegance and minerality on the palate with red fruits and a balanced acidity. The suppleness of the fruit will pair nicely with fare from salads to roast birds and mushrooms.

  • Clos du Bois Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Clos du Bois deep purple in color with a ruby red hue, this exceptionally well-balanced Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits ripe blackberry, cassis and plum fl avors, colored with a touch of mocha and coffee. The sweet, fruity entry is enhanced with a juicy mouthfeel, notes of savory herbs and velvety tannins, followed by a long, smooth finish.

  • Clos du Bois Calcaire Chardonnay 750ML

    Calcaire refers to the superb chalky soils on which this fine Russian River Valley Chard is grown. This lively, full-bodied wine features aromas of pear, apple blossom, cinnamon, tropical fruit and caramel. Dry, rich, intense and beautifully balanced. It will cellar very well for 3-5 years, or enjoy it now

  • Clos du Bois Chardonnay 750ML

    Clos du Bois as fragrant as a stroll through a summertime farmers' market, our bright and juicy Chardonnay beckons with aromas of apple blossom, ripe pear, peach and sweet lemon drop.

  • Clos du Bois Marlstone Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This venerable 5 grape Bordeaux style blend is a hallmark wine for Clos du Bois. Displaying wild blackberry, clove, violet, and ripe plum aromas. Complex flavors of cassis, cigar box, and roasted coffee lead to a supple, satisfying finish.

  • Clos du Bois Merlot North Coast 750ML

    Lush, round and eminently Californian in style, this blackberry-backboned Merlot offers a core of rich fruit and voluptuous tannins enveloped by hints of mocha, baking spices, cedar and tobacco.

  • Clos du Bois Pinot Grigio California 750ML

    Pale silver straw in color with aromas of white peach, melon, and pink grapefruit, with delicate floral notes. Upon tasting, it has a vibrant, lively acidity surrounded by bright citrus flavors of lime zest, grapefruit, and stone fruit, with hints of minerality and a long, crisp finish. This crisp Pinot Grigio is a perfect match for Asian food, especially anything infused with garlic, and coconut-milk-based curries. It is also a delicious pairing with raw fish, oysters, mussels, and clams.

  • Clos du Bois Pinot Noir California 750ML

    Ruby red in color. Intense aromas of cherry, dried roses, and earthy-woodsy forest floor. Flavors of sweet cherry fruit are wrapped in a silky, rich, and lush texture. The wine is well balanced with light, toasty oak.

  • Clos du Bois Rouge Red Blend 750ML

    Aged in a combination of steel tanks and oak barrels, Rouge starts off with a very fruit forward (the winemaker dares to call it jammy) nose of ripe black cherries, light bramble and just detectable mocha. On the tongue it fairly bursts with rich blackberry and cherry, a spritz of cola and a nice warm spice grace note. It is lush and mouth-filling through mid palate but the finish is a bit abrupt, clean rather than lingering.

  • Clos du Bois Sauvignon Blanc North Coast 750ML

    Pale silver straw in color with a slight green tint, our Sauvignon Blanc has lively lime zest aromas and flavors of white grapefruit, gooseberry, delicate florals, and lemongrass. A slight hint of minerality and juicy citrus flavors lead to a crisp, lingering finish.

  • Clos du Bois Zinfandel North Coast 750ML

    With its deep, black cherry red color, this Zinfandel tempts with aromas of ripe plum, blackberry, and hints of baking spice. Full bodied and fruit forward with soft, supple tannins, and flavors of juicy blackberry with light hints of toasted oak.

  • Clos Du Val Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    This cool vintage allowed us a rather different approach in the vineyard than we normally get to have. Cool temperatures allowed a long hang time of fruit on the vine, contributing to ripe, yet elegant aromatics. It has notes of chocolate, blackberry and fresh black pepper on the nose. The textures are far silkier than recent vintages, creating a vibrant wine with flavors of toffee, vanilla, blueberry and currant. The tannins are well integrated, creating a wine for which Clos Du Val is known; balanced, elegant, and classic.

  • Clos Du Val Chardonnay 750ML

    Clos du Val flavors of rich, tropical fruit dominate this beautiful Chardonnay sourced from our Carneros Estate vineyards in southern Napa Valley. The nose offers essences of baked apple and pear with ripe, expressive flavors of peach and apricot. The mouthfeel is full and rich, accented by bright citrus and a hint of oak, with a long finish.

  • Clos Du Val Merlot Napa Valley 750ML

    Characteristic of Clos Du Vals world-class style, the Merlot continues the winerys tradition of producing truly elegant wines of balance and complexity. Refined and plum in color, it offers complex yet vibrant aromas of black currant, dark chocolate, nutmeg and toffee. The mouth-feel is silky and evolved, with flavors of black cherry and blueberry complimented by a silky, lingering finish.

  • Clos Du Val Pinot Noir 750ML

    This vintage of Carneros Pinot Noir is presented with a lovely ruby color. Aromatic spices awaken the nose with bright raspberry, red currant, and pomegranate. Rich complex layers of fruit and spice fill the mouth with notes of mature cherries. An elegant and lingering finish makes it a perfect wine for food, but especially for enjoying by the glass. This Pinot Noir has great aging potential.

  • Clos Pegase Mitsuko's Vineyard Chardonnay 750ML

    Clos Pegase our Mitsuko's Vineyard Chardonnay possesses complex aromas of Meyer lemon, ripe pineapple, and white honeysuckle, framed by subtly toasty oak. An intense and vibrant mid-palate has vivid fruit flavors, and the finish is balanced with rich fruit and minerality.

  • Clos Pegase Mitsuko's Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Clos Pegase our Mitsuko's Vineyard Pinot Noir possesses aromas of fresh black and red cherries, and red mulberry framed by Darjeeling tea, and roasted hazelnuts. This vibrant wine is seamless with a silky mouthfeel.

  • Clos Pegase Mitsuko's Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Clos Pegase our Mitsuko's Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc possesses intense, complex and inviting aromas of guava, passion fruit, Meyer lemons, pineapple, kefir lime leaf, lemongrass and verbena, with undertones of gooseberry, nectarine and flint. The wine demonstrates concentration, vibrancy and minerality, with a pitch-perfect acidity counterbalanced by richness, depth and lengthy fruit flavors.

  • Cloudline Pinot Noir Willamette Valley 750ML

    Cloudline has a brilliant ruby color and medium body, which is true to Oregon Pinot Noir. On the nose and following through on the palate, I find bright red and black cherries, with a framework of cola nut and ripe dark fruit. Tannins are soft, and the finish is graceful. This is a wine to enjoy tonight, or sometime in the next 3-5 years.” - Véronique Drouhin. Pinot Noir is well-suited to pair with poultry, beef, fish, ham, lamb and pork. It will play well with creamy sauces, spicy seasonings and may just be one of the world's most versatile food wines.