
  • Beringer White Zin 4pk

    Fresh and delicious with berry-like fruit flavors and aromas of citrus and honeydew. Enjoyable with a wide variety of foods, it pairs especially well with today's spicy cuisine.

  • Bertani Bertarose 750ML

    Bertani color: Cherry red with purplish highlights. Bouquet: Fresh with white blossoms, cherry, almond, rose, and hints of strawberry. Taste: Firm to the palate with good body and acidity. It has a very long finish. Serving Suggestions: Perfect as an aperitif, it also goes well with salads, subtle flavored pasta dishes and white meat.

  • Betts & Scholl The Chronique Grenache 750ML

    Firm in texture, with tremendous focus to the blackberry, cherry, anise seed and cardamom aromas and flavors. Not heavy at all, but sleek and expressive?and extra-long on the vibrant finish.

  • Bevan Cellars Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 750ML

    Bevan Cellars concentrated, rich, deep, this wine is what we believe makes the Sonoma Coast special. The aromatic combination of dark fruit, forest floor and exotic spices, are pure Pinot Noir, but the color, dark to the rim and textures, speak to extreme vineyards. This wine will age for many years, it has the power and weight to sleep in the cellar, but the flavors are so seductive now.

  • Bevan Cellars Summit 1376 Chardonnay 750ML

    Bevan Cellars Summit 1376 Chardonnay should have a green tint and slightly reductive to have less oxygen. It is fermented in a 100% new French oak barrel with toasted heads in heavily toasted barrel. With a heavily toasted barrel there is more caramelization faster and doesn't pull out the tinnans. The barrels are kept at 55-60 degrees to ferment slowly. It is stirred daily until fermented then is cut back to once every three days and then every two weeks until bottled. All the stirring helps bring the solids up to get a great richness with health and intensity to pallet. This is a beautiful feminine wine. This Chardonnay has a surley richness and has great crispness. You don't smell the the oak but you do smell the citrus and honeysuckle.

  • Bevan Dry Stack Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Bevan having made this wine for Dry Stack in the past, we knew it might be the most special Sauvignon Blanc in Sonoma County. This has blown our minds from the day it arrived at the winery. Explosive guava and pineapple drive this decadent wine from the second you pull the cork. It is the showiest Sauvignon Blanc we have ever made.

  • Big Fire Pinot Noir 750ML

    Big Fire beginning: Ruby light in the glass, floral edges of lavender and violet, nutmeg, campfire. Middle: Medium bodied, gauzy; latticework tannins thread the wine together, agile, upright; tea leaf, red berries, star anise and a bright suggestion of citrus. End: A soft leather memory, dark red fruits, boysenberry

  • Big House Cardinal Zin Zinfandel 3L

    A wine of substance, it’s a Cardinal Zin not to drink at the altar of this decadent, spicy zinfandel. This is a refined pleasure, with intense flavors of blackberry mingling with soft creamy touches of oak, vanilla and dry herbs. It’s full on the palate, but not heavy and the fruit is constant from the first sip to the end of the finish. This is a very versatile wine that pairs well with grilled pork, pasta Bolognese, barbecued ribs or chops (pork, lamb, you choose!).

  • Big House Pinot Evil Pinot Noir 3L

    Long believed by many winemakers to be the most difficult to grape and craft into a wine, Pinot Noir often seems possessed if not downright evil. The Three Wise Monkeys prefer to view Pinot Noir as their guilty pleasure. And with that philosophy in mind, Pinot Evil dances with a lovely ripe cherry nose that cascades into a smooth, velvet finish. It would be criminal not to enjoy it with roasted duck, smoked brisket or with friends when you just monkey around.

  • Big House Red 3L

    This Big House Red lives up to that old Fruit Bomb moniker that you've come to expect. It starts with a nose full of blackberries and raspberries, with hints of leather and spices. The palate is clean, exhibiting flavors of cranberries, roses and a touch of rhubarb. This finish lingers, with flavors of vanilla and a touch of dark cherries in the finish. A true trump card, Big House Red pairs well with all grilled meats, lasagna Bolognese, grilled vegetables or even sashimi grade Ahi tuna.

  • Big House The Birdman Pinot Grigio 3L

    These grapes were harvested in late September and early October due to a sudden and dramatic cooling of the weather right before our normal harvest. The berries were de-stemmed and then gently squeezed with our pneumatic press releasing all of their aromatic juice. The juice was fermented in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks, also known as cells. These low temperature fermentations combined with lazy, aromatically gifted yeast preserve, enhance and refine the wonderful fruit characters of this wine. Pinot Grigio pairs well with goat cheese pancetta and arugula pizza, Thai chicken with basil, smoked trout, estoufee, grilled jumbo shrimp, spaghetti and clam sauce or sunny afternoons

  • Big House The Usual Suspect Cabernet Sauvignon 3L

    The Usual Suspect Cabernet Sauvignon is a bomba de fruta, replete with a vibrant and enticing nose that draws the drinker to a very Big House state of mind. This Cabernet Sauvignon was coolly fermented and aged in neutral oak to give it a unique profile. We then added a soupçon of Grenache to this Cab to exercise its aromatic potential. Bang on the bars of the cell — the Warden welcomes in our newest inmate. This inmate enjoys being paired with all sorts of comfort foods, like short ribs, filet mignon, lamb chops, spaghetti Bolognese or a dark chocolate torte.

  • Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey

    Bird Dog Blackberry infuses two hand selected, all-natural blackberry flavors to create a soft, warm whiskey. The distinctive taste of Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey was nationally recognized during the 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

  • Bird Dog Bourbon Whiskey

    Bird Dog Bourbon has an elaborate medley of corn, malted barley and rye that formulates into a distinctive gentle bourbon. With many layers of distinction, Bird Dog Bourbon flourishes with light undertones of honey and golden raisins which is complimented by the richness of caramelized wood sugar. Aged in traditional charred white oak bourbon barrels and bottled at 80 proof, Bird Dog Bourbon is an extremely enjoyable bourbon.

  • Bird Dog Peach Whiskey

    Bird Dog Peach immerses juicy, savory, fragrant peaches to create a smooth, easy-to-drink whiskey.

  • Bivio Chianti 750ML

    Bivio richly textured with blackberry and raspberry flavors, notes of violet and toasted almond leading to a lush, satisfying finish.

  • Black Box Cabernet Sauvignon Monterey 500ML

    Offering a lush display of dark berries, our Cabernet Sauvignon's smooth tannins create a soft, lingering finish. Spicy cinnamon and vibrant black currant aromas accompany warm notes of vanilla and toasty oak for an irresistible, approachable glass of wine. Delicious with filet mignon, roast duck, pork tenderloin or mushroom ravioli.

  • Black Box Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 750ML

    Most box wines are made in such large quantities that they sport extremely vague regions such as "California" or "Australia" or "Planet Earth." This Paso Robles has appellation prestige and tastes great. The initial aromatic punch of toasty oak and vanilla subsides to reveal sweet, black cherry fruit and hints of licorice. There is black currant and kirsch on the palate too, with nicely balanced, fine tannins.

  • Black Box Chardonnay

    The Black Box Chardonnay is a top quality, premium effort; ranks well with wines that cost more $$$'s in the marketplace; soft and fresh, with bright, core fruit flavors.

  • Black Box Malbec Mendoza 750ML

    A dry, medium-bodied red wine with notes of blueberry and hints of tobacco, violet and chocolate.

  • Black Box Merlot

    The Merlot displays aromas of leathery plums and cinnamon-spiced oak. The palate is smooth, medium weight, aged-textured with sweet red currant flavors. It finishes long and warm with resolved tannins. This Merlot has nice acidity that allows versatility in pairing with food. Try with hearty dishes with grilled meat or anything that is heavy on tomato based sauce. It would do well.

  • Black Box Pinot Grigio

    Black Box Wines Pinot Grigio experienced a prolonged ripening season with moderate rainfall and temperatures, resulting in expressive aromatics of pear and honeydew. With refreshing lime zest on the finish, it is bright and delicious. Pinot Grigio is well-suited for grilled fish or chicken, pastas and salads.

  • Black Box Pinot Noir 750ML

    Dark ruby color. Smoky aromas and flavors of roasted nuts, berry pie crust, and dark chocolate with a silky, bright, dry-yet-fruity medium body and a smooth, brisk finish with shades of spiced melon, sour cherry jam, and cedar with soft tannins. A solid pinot for sipping or lighter dishes

  • Black Box Riesling 750ML

    A medium-bodied, off-dry, juicy white wine with tangerine and apple flavor and a balanced acidity on the finish.
