Flore de Moscato 750ML
A cool stream of citrus and peaches tickles your tongue and enlivens your evenings. Our Salt of the Earth Flore de Moscato is made at summer's end by crushing succulent, freshly harvested muscat grapes. The juices are slightly fermented in steel tanks and quickly chilled to retain their delectable sugar and natural spritz. Made solely with pure ripe Orange Muscat and Muscat Canelli grapes, Salt of the Earth Flore de Moscato gives you the freedom to drink it whenever and with whatever you wish: as a cool afternoon refreshment; accompanied by fruit, cheeses, roast beef, or other savory and spicy foods and later in the evening to keep your night going strong. Salt of the Earth defies traditional wine categories, and challenges you to simply enjoy it wherever you are.
UPC: 013022000392