  • Candoni Chianti 750ML

    Candoni our Chianti comes from a careful selection of Sangiovese and Canaiolo grapes grown in Tuscany. It has an intense ruby-purple red color with a nose of fresh almond and mature blackberry. Its soft, warm taste is dry on the palate. Food pairings: Excellent with red meats and hearty soups. Also pairs well with cheeses.

  • Candor Zinfandel 750ML

    Great Zinfandel grapes grow in pockets all over the state, and the Hope family have done their homework. This wine benefits from a combination of hardy, gnarly old vines, some of them over 50 years old, and exuberant new ones, all meticulously farmed. Blended together across vineyards and vintages, Candor Zinfandel has real panache—bright berry fruit, spice, and that undefinable zing that says it’s really Zinfandel.

  • Cantina Zaccagnini - montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ML

    Intense violet robe. Aromas of plum and ripe blackberry. Each sip delivers a mouthful of ripe berries, leather and black pepper with subtle hints of oregano, dried herbs and a touch of vanilla; all leading to a dry and supple finish. Assertive, full-flavored "country style" cooking such as: Venison or rabbit stew; Ossobuco; Roast leg of lamb; Spaghetti puttanesca; Pasta with sausage, pepper and onions; Roast duck with green peppercorn sauce.

  • Cardinale Red Wine 750ML

    Cardinale as you would enjoy the varied nuances and subtle layers of a Fellini film, so you should enjoy Cardinale. The 2008 has an aromatic element that evokes violets and orange blossoms with a fruit component of dark cherry combined with a palate that offers currant, ripe blackberry, and toast with a velvety texture on a long, drawn finish.

  • Carlo Rossi Burgundy 4L

    This rich, full-bodied wine is filled with flavors of red berries with hints of spice and dark chocolate. It is perfect with traditional Italian sauces and spicy Mexican dishes.

  • Carlo Rossi Chianti 4L

    A medium body with a balanced, smooth finish. Satisfying flavors of rich, red fruit make this wine easy to enjoy. This classic Italian table wine is rich in flavor and goes well with pizza, spaghetti and various chicken dishes.

  • Carmel Road Pinot Noir Monterey 750ML

    A medium-bodied Pinot Noir with bright, fragrant red berry tones, complemented by a lovely spice nuance and deep earthy notes. The palate echoes the nose, with vibrant acidity balanced by supple texture on a long, velvety finish kissed by the classic mineral undertones.

  • Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Big and bold in style, Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon has a deep, inky color that alludes to its rich dark fruit layers. Notes of espresso, toasted oak and chocolate give the sturdy mid-palate an edgy undertone. A plush, velvety mouthfeel creates a refined smoothness that leads the way to a long, silky finish."

  • Cartlidge & Browne Merlot 750ML

    Cartlidge & Browne the Merlot carries the same complex flavor package as Cabernet Sauvignon, but generally has supple, mellow tannins. Notes of black fruit and briary characters on the nose. The palate will find black cherry and a lush mouth feel and well-integrated tannins, leading to a long finish of spice and berries. This wine is so well balanced with excellent acidity that it will perfectly pair with a number of foods. Will be particularly delicious with encrusted tenderloin or grilled spare ribs with smoky barbeque sauce.

  • Casa Gran del Siurana GR 174 750ML

    Casa Gran del Siurana GR-174 is the name of the lovely path that crosses Priorat. Hiking all along this track is probably the best way to feel its beauty. If you could concentrate in a bottle the ripe fruits aromas and the minerality of its terroir the result would be a wine like this. A blend of Garnatxa, Carinyena and Cabernet Sauvignon which was aged during five months in French oak barrels.

  • Casa Lapostolle Clos Apalta 750ML

    Casa Lapostolle color: Deep purple red color. Nose: Intense and complex, with different layers of aromas such as spices, black and red fruit, herbs and mineral touches of led pencil. Mouth: Elegant balance with velvety and well defined tannins, that evolve towards a concentrated mid palate that is filled with juicy tannins followed by a very long persistence. Service and food pairing: Open and leave to breathe for a couple of hours or carefully decant for minimum 1 hour and enjoy at room temperature; 16 to 18ºC (60 to 65°F). Ideal companion for game, lamb, and entrecote fillet. Also good with rich cocoa chocolate deserts.

  • Castello Banfi Centine 750ML

    The best tradition of the Sangiovese grape in Tuscany that, with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, allows a youthful and intensely fruity blend. The ideal companion of simple dishes but also suitable for more complex matches. The color is intense ruby red with youthful hints. The bouquet is intense, vinous and spicy in which the Tuscan character of the Sangiovese is perfectly married with the international character of the Cabernet and Merlot. In the mouth, it is gentle, soft and easy-to-drink. Delicious with roasts, game and medium aged cheese.

  • Castello Banfi Chianti Classico 750ML

    Castello Banfi ruby red in color. Intense bouquet with notes of cherries, plums, and violets. Rich flavors of cherry and leather. Supple tannins and good acidity. Perfect accompaniment to a wide variety of foods, including red-sauced pastas, grilled meats and roasts.

  • Castello Banfi Col di Sasso 750ML

    Castello Banfi the wines of Banfi are born of a passion and love for unique terroirs, from continuous research, and from the intimate knowledge of different territories and the ability to marry time tested and respected techniques with innovative solutions in both the vineyard and the winery. The splendid vineyards of Montalcino and Chianti, of Piedmont and the Tuscan coast, are the ideal cradle for wines of great character and outstanding quality.

  • Castello di Gabbiano Chianti Classico DOCG 750ML

    This classic Chianti is clear, deep dark prune red in color, with a floral bouquet reminiscent of pressed violets. The wine also exhibits a unique blend of the pleasant aromas of berries and the classic Chianti aroma of tobacco. It is bold and spicy on the palate, with rounded blackberry accents and smooth tannins. A well balanced body and structure, reveals the exquisite traditional taste. Enjoy with roast pork and risotto in a mushroom sauce or braised meat with stuffing. Perfect for serving with crusty bread and aged soft cheese.

  • Castello di Gabbiano Chianti DOCG 750ML

    Gabbiano Chianti DOCG is a traditional blend of primarily Sangiovese grapes, but also includes small amounts of Canaiolo, Trebbiano, and Colorino grapes. The DOCG designation means this Chianti meets the rigorous winemaking standards set by Italian law and guarantees that the wine is produced using the highest quality of traditional winemaking methods. Only 21 zones in Italy have the prestigious honor of being recognized as meeting the DOCG requirements. After aging for six months in large stainless-steel tanks, the Gabbiano DOCG wine rests for another six months in the bottle before being released. Wine maker notes: This wine is clear, bright and ruby-red in color. The bouquet is reminiscent of ripe plums spiced with pepper and wood nuances. The first sip reveals invigorating flavors of sour cherry, blackberry, and spice followed by a dry vivid finish. This Chianti is bold enough to complement rich and spicy pasta dishes, and is also perfect with tangy chicken or gourmet pizza.

  • Castello Vicchiomaggio Ripa della More 750ML

    "60% Sangiovese, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot aged in small barrels for 18-24 months. This is the most full-flavoured of Vicchiomaggio’s wines. All the grapevines are older than 20 years and are pruned according to strict requirements to guarantee a very low yield. This wine is elegant, spicy, peppery, sweet and has a notable wood taste. This is a full-flavoured, vigorous indeed delicious wine, that will ripen well over the years, becoming complex and intense."

  • Catena Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The Catena Cabernet Sauvignon shows a dark violet color with shades of rubies. On the nose it offers aromas of ripe black currant, sweet spice, red fruits and cassis. On the palate it displays layers of cassis, tobacco and black pepper. This cabernet Sauvignon is an elegant wine with tannins that provide structure and a long, persistent finish.

  • Catena Malbec High Mountain Vines 750ML

    The dark ruby colored Malbec opens with an intriguing blueberry, blackberry and black cherry bouquet with a hint of leather and oak. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied, slightly acidic and savory. The flavor profile is a gentle black plum with notes of oak, black cherry and black pepper. The finish is dry and its mild tannins and flavors fade away nicely. This Malbec is very food friendly and went well with my pork tenderloin at the Black Point Inn.

  • Cavit Pinot Noir

    Cavit Pinot Noir is delicious and balanced, with bright cherry notes, hints of red berries, and a soft character. Cavit is the #1 Imported Pinot Noir in America.

  • Caymus 40th Anniversary Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Caymus leaving the fruit to "hang" on the vine unusually long develops suppleness, increases color, and matures the tannins of the grapes. The wines are abundant in textural tannins yet soft as velvet. Crop thinning, allowing measured sunlight to reach the vine's fruit zone, and waiting for increased ripeness are all part of our viticultural practices. Caymus Cabernets offer a wide array of aromas and flavors including cocoa, cassis and vanilla.

  • Caymus Conundrum California Red 750ML

    Intensely colored and fragrant, the wine opens up with evocative aromas of blackberry, raspberry, rhubarb and cola. On the palate, the wine is full bodied and exuberantly fruity, pairing black cherry, plum and pomegranate notes with more soulful cinnamon, lavender and cocoa nuances. The tannins are firm yet supple, and the finish is long with enticing notes of brown spice, bramble fruits, vanilla and toasty oak. This wine tastes great with many dishes; best with highly flavored foods, especially spicy tomato based sauces, dark spices or meats enhanced with BBQ sauce….and really…anything that will fit on your grill. Serve slightly to well-chilled. -Winemaker, Charlie Wagner II

  • Caymus Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Caymus the nose of this wine is especially interesting to me. There's the presence of a well-cared for, clean farmstead. Possibly the aroma of a freshly opened bale of hay or the combine dust during the summer harvest at my cousins wheat farm in St. John, Washington. This is layered with the fruit components─ ripe cherries crushed in a snifter, a subtle smell of ripeness. And a bit of grape pumice at fermentation, rustic. Other nuances come to mind─ smoke in a forest cabin, earth, spice and cola. The flavors in this wine are genuinely good, but the textural elements are its most exceptional feature. The entry wanders, deliberating, then evolves and expands to cocoa- like fine tannins in harmony with oak, fruit and acidity. A balanced and harmonious wine with a long evolution.
