  • Bolla Merlot

    Bright ruby red with a full bouquet of cranberries,cherries, plums and raspberries, Bolla Merlot has an appealing bright black-cherry character enhanced by hints of licorice, vanilla and clove derived from the wood aging. It is medium-bodied, round on the palate, with a pleasant finish.

  • Bolla Valpolicella 1.5L

    A soft, sumptuous wine with flavors of berries, almonds, raisins and spicy black cherries. This full-flavored wine pairs nicely with beef dishes, grilled meats and zesty pasta meals.

  • Bonny Doon A Proper Claret 750ML

    Two Thumbs Up •Pleasant aromas of red cherry with abundant notes of violets, cinnamon, clove and mocha. Flavors of tart, fresh, red berry fruit with an earthy touch of cola nut and leather.

  • Bonterra Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This Cabernet offers aromas of bright cherry, currant, and raspberry with notes of toasted oak and vanilla. In the glass, you will find flavors of cherry and currant and a lingering and thoughtful finish. Good structure, a moderate weight, polished tannins and a balanced acidity promise an ever more pleasing wine to come." - Bonterra Vineyards

  • Bookwalter Protagonist 750ML

    Bookwalter as much as we and the major wine publications liked the first release of this wine from the 2006 vintage, this vintage "kicks it up a notch" by showcasing more concentrated dark fruit. The classic dusty minerality from Red Mountain is wrapped with cherries, blackberries, dried herbs, spice and the structure you would expect from Red Mountain Vineyards.

  • Boroli Barolo 750ML

    Boroli the bouquet is elegant with hints of red mature fruits, leather, tobacco and sensations of oak, while on the palate the powerful structure emerges with a long persistent finish. It is a long-tasting wine matured in cask and barrique for 24 months and refined in bottle for 18 months. Serving temperature is 19-20°C and it is served with read meats, ripe-strong cheeses. It is excellent also after meal.

  • Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon 3L

    "This gets the Cabernet basics done, with ripe, jammy blackberry and cherry flavors, full-bodied tannins and a dry, spicy finish. It’s a good everyday Cab, and the bag-in-box packaging means you don’t have to rush to finish it."

  • Bota Box Malbec 3L

    A medium-bodied, fruit-forward Malbec with aromas of ripe plums and blackberry with a touch of coffee. The perfect pairing to red meats as well as spicy cuisine.

  • Bota Box Merlot

    "Front-loaded with black cherry and blackberry jam flavors, this Merlot has thick tannins and good acidity. It’s a simple wine, but easy to drink with everyday fare, like burgers and tacos."

  • Bota Box Old Vine Zinfandel 3L

    Dark and jammy with aromas of wild blackberry, plum and a hint of spice. Concentrated ripe stone fruit, dark berry flavors and toasted oak carry through to the palate for a long, lingering finish.

  • Bota Box Pinot Noir 3L

    "Our Bota Box Pinot Noir offers aromas of cherry, blackberry and cocoa. This medium-bodied Pinot Noir has plush flavors of cherry, strawberry and soft, toasty oak, which lead into elegant mid-palate tannins and a clean finish."

  • Bota Box RedVolution

    This smooth, full-bodied wine with lush flavors of dark fruit, spice and vanilla, culminates in a juicy, fruit-focused finish. Pairs beautifully with any meat dish.

  • Bota Box Shiraz 3L

    Our award-winning Shiraz is fruit-forward and snappy. Aromas of red cherry and black pepper lead to a body of ripe blackberry, cherry pit, and smoky orange peel. The finish is pure and rich, which makes this food-friendly wine perfect with Andouille gumbo or rich, ripe cheeses.

  • Bouchaine Estate Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Bouchaine a striking and vivid Pinot Noir with a rich garnet red color, layered with intense aromas of bright cherries, berries and blue fruit. The notes of coca, and dark plum are laden with a campfire sweet smoke, and a linger- ing finish with a velveteen mouth feel. Offering depth and power, balanced with grace and elegance, this wine shows off the exuberant nature of Bouchaine Vineyards.

  • Brazin Zinfandel Old Vine Lodi 750ML

    Once your eyes glimpse Brazin’s deep and inky color, they’ll alert your other senses to fasten their seat belts. Big, bold aromas of spice and mocha fill your nose, while intense flavors of plum and chocolate, rich tannins and vanilla mocha notes rock your palate. Brazin is a not a wine to be rushed – don’t be afraid to savor its long, lingering finish. Be Brazin with your meals and serve with saucy ribs, a juicy pepper steak, pasta with spicy red sauce or pizza with the works!

  • Breggo Ferrington Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Breggo Ferrington Vineyard's characteristic core of intense red fruit is on clear display in the most forward of our Vineyard Designate Pinot Noirs. Aromas of Bing cherry, pomegranate, and raspberry jam fill the nose while hints of coffee, toast, and cola add depth and complexity. The broad luscious palate is carried by flavors of red currant and cherry. A balance of fine grained tannins and acid provide a coating mouth feel.

  • Bridlewood Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 750ML

    "In the mouth, Bridlewood Cabernet Sauvignon yields a noticeable sweetness upfront from the notes of dark fruit, chocolate and caramelized sugar, but finishes with a surprising firmness. We chose to blend about eight percent Syrah for added layers of red berry flavors and a touch of Petite Sirah to enhance the dark fruit characteristics and create a plush mouthfeel."

  • Broke Ass Red 750ML

    Broke Ass jammy fruit greeted on the nose with a hint of mineral and lime deposits from Argentina soils. Light body and the pleasure of subtle hints of plum and full on blackberry that finishes with a hint of acidity, leaving a lingering sting that lets you know you picked well.

  • Broquel Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Rich wine perfumed with aromas of cassis and raspberry jam. Elegant touch of smoke and roasted pepper with balsamic and spicy notes. Soft, complex and very long aftertaste. Food Pairings Ideal to serve with pasta, grilled red meats and stews.

  • Broquel Malbec 750ML

    Broquel Malbec is rich and full bodied and bursting with sweet, jammy ripe berry fruit. Long on the palate with well integrated layers of macerated berry, spice, and vanilla-oak. The tannins are firm yet soft on the finish.

  • Buehler Vineyards Bon Marche 750ML

    Buehler Vineyards aromas of toasty oak, spice, black cherry, plum and vanilla carry over to the palate and are engulfed in a mouth-filling, flavorful, juicy package.

  • Buehler Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Buehler Vineyards the wine is brimming with fruit aromas and flavors biased to the black fruit end of the Cabernet spectrum: plums, blackberry, black currant. Rich and full-bodied on the palate, our Cabernet drinks well on release but will soften and develop with additional age. For those who seek youthful fresh Cabernet fruit aromas and a more structured wine, drink now.

  • Burgess Merlot 750ML

    Burgess the Merlot, like our previous vintages, demonstrates a unique intense varietal personality along with a richness associated with the vintage. The most common flavor characteristics of Merlot, blueberries and black cherries, are stunning with a hint of mint. The 2008 is 100% Merlot from our Triere Estate vineyard in the Oak Knoll District just south of Yountville. This region of Napa Valley is ideal for bringing Merlot to full maturity, with vines that are oriented north to south so that they capture both morning and afternoon sun, producing a full-bodied, rich, complex wine with a long lasting finish.

  • BV Beaurouge Red Blend 750ML

    This fruit-forward wine features a core of Cabernet Sauvignon, which gives it bold cassis, blackberry and dark chocolate character, with a framing of firm tannins.
