Tualatin Sparkling Moscato 750ML
Tualatin This wine's refreshingly tangy acidity is balanced with sweet, explosive aromas of ripe peach, citrus, a hint of nutmeg and flavors of rich peach cobbler. This near perfect balance of fruit and fresh acidity with a slight effervescence balances the sweetness and cleanses the palate. The semi-sparkling bubbles also contribute to a stimulating mouthfeel. The finish is lively, clean and fresh, inviting another sip.
Twisted Moscato 1.5L
Twisted Moscato is a lively twist on your everyday white wine. This enchanting refresher orders up a swirl of citrus blossom, honeysuckle and melon flavors with a hint of vanilla and crisp acidity for a reviving finish. Kick off an evening with Twisted Moscato or try pairing with chopped salad, chicken teriyaki, or even fruity gelato for dessert.
Vietti Moscato d'Asti Cascinetta 750ML
Vietti pale sunshine yellow color and slight frizzante, this Moscato d'Asti has intense aromas of peaches, rose petals and ginger. On the palate it is delicately sweet and sparkling with modest acidity, good balance, good complexity and a finish of fresh apricots. Food Pairings: As aperitif, perfect accompaniment to Pan-Asian cuisine and lobster as well as pastry, fruit based and creamy desserts and blue cheeses.