Sokol Blosser Pinot Gris 750ML
Sokol Blosser our Willamette Valley Pinot Gris is one of our most popular wines. No surprise there since it's considered one of the finest Pinot Gris' to emerge from this Oregon winegrowing region. The grapes are farmed from the hills; most come from our vineyards and those are organically grown. We press the grapes as whole clusters. They're given a slow, cool fermentation in stainless steel for approximately three weeks. This gives the wine a firm, focused backbone coupled with a lush creaminess. Besides the apple/fig/citrus and spice, our Pinot Gris has complex undertones of earth and mineral with aromas that will develop over time. Properly cellared, our Pinot Gris will continue to evolve for up to 10 years. PAIRINGS: Seafood (crab, oysters, halibut), herbed chicken, linguine soft artisan cheeses, fresh fruit... all harmonize brilliantly with a glass of our Pinot Gris by their side.